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Smurf VS KI on May 3rd

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The event: Kings Island

The Venue: Uhhh....Kings Island

Date: Sunday May 3rd

The opponents:

David (Smurfy)

Laura (The Fiance)

Scott (The Friend)



The Beast

The Crypt

Round 1:

Got to the park at 9:30, just in time to get some DB ERT. We waited around 10 minutes outside of the entrance because they said they had a late start to the morning so they were still getting early testing done. Once we got in line, it was about a 5 minute wait.

Rode in row 10 and it was glorious. Noticed a slight vibration at the bottom of a lot of the hills, but it wasn't bad; but Laura also commented on it.

Round 2:

Ran around and got back in line. About another 5 minute wait. This time Laura and I waited a few extra trains for the front seats since we hadn't done them before. Love the front seat. You still get the air going up the hills, but then you get that jolt forward from the back cars pushing you. Sublime. Didn't notice any vibrations this time.

Round 3:

Ran back around and this time it was probably a 3 minute wait. Just as we were getting in line we noticed it was 10:00 and sure enough, a bunch of peeps come running up, so we just got in for 1 more ERT ride.

We were put back in row 10. Must have been a different train or something because this time I felt some extreme vibration at the bottom of the hills. It was almost uncomfortable, but was still smoother than most rides in the park. That has me a little concerned since it's only a few weeks into the season and we're already noticing some shaking. Oh well, could have been a bad ride is all. And a bad ride on a B&M is better than most good rides on other coasters.

We were all doing good at this point, but Laura said that last ride was making her a little nauseous and the shaking gave her a little head ache, so this would be her last ride on DB for now.

Round 4:

Since there was actually a line for DB (though a short one), we decided to go get our first ride on The Beast for the season. It was a total walk-on. Laura and I got in a middle-row seat and Scott got in the middle row on the car behind ours. There had to only be 7 people total on our train.

Ugh, trims. Trims everywhere. On the hills, in the shed, going into the helix. Also, I noticed a familiar squeek in all of the turns that I've only really noticed before on CP's Mean Streak which was pretty annoying. The final helix was as smooth as I've ever remembered feeling. Very nice. Can't wait to ride at night.

Laura felt a little better at this point.

Round 5:

I was ready to head toward Coney Mall, but Scott and Laura wanted to ride The Crypt since it was broken down when we tried to ride on Opening Day.

We walked right onto the ride. It had a great and intense program going.....aaaaaand....


After it stopped Laura almost threw up in her seat. We made it outside and she stood by the trash in the exit path, waiting for a reversal that never came. But you could tell in her pale face that she was done. So we, ever so slowly, made our way out of the park; defeated by motion sickness.

Overall though, it was a great time. The park was very empty and had we stayed a while longer, I'm sure we could have hit most of the coasters and big rides before noon. Oh well, until next time....have a smurfy day!

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^ I'd love for that to happen, but I'm pretty sure early weather forecasts are calling for sun and temps around 70 both days, whereas there was a chance of rain pretty much all this past weekend. DB ERT should be awesome, particularly at night!

Smurf, great TR as always! Sunday was a very pleasant surprise as DB was a walk-on right before the ROTB at 10. Like you we left early, but we did everything we wanted to do in an hour and a half. This time of year Sunday mornings are definitely a great time to go!

Edit: about the vibration on DB...Behemoth's yellow train had the same thing going on early last year. Tigellinus would probably be more educated about this, but at the end of the season they managed to work that out. I'm sure that by the end of the season they'll have that fixed.

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Smurf, great TR as always! Sunday was a very pleasant surprise as DB was a walk-on right before the ROTB at 10. Like you we left early, but we did everything we wanted to do in an hour and a half. This time of year Sunday mornings are definitely a great time to go!

Edit: about the vibration on DB...Behemoth's yellow train had the same thing going on early last year. Tigellinus would probably be more educated about this, but at the end of the season they managed to work that out. I'm sure that by the end of the season they'll have that fixed.

Yeah, I was surprised how empty it was early on. I see in other reports that it got crowded later on. I hope there are a couple more Sundays like this left.

Hopefully what you said about the vibration is true. I noticed it a little on Opening day but it wasn't bad, it just wasn't as smooth as glass like I'd been used to with other B&M's. I wonder if anyone else has noticed it.

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I did, mostly in my rides in the middle of the trains, my back seat ride was smooth as was the row 3 ride. But my two or three laps around rows 7 and 8 were a little shaky, I just passed it off as a weird fluke, I hope that's all it is.

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I did, mostly in my rides in the middle of the trains, my back seat ride was smooth as was the row 3 ride. But my two or three laps around rows 7 and 8 were a little shaky, I just passed it off as a weird fluke, I hope that's all it is.

I didn't feel it at all in row 1. Row 10 is where I felt it the most, but it was only really bad on my 2nd ride in row 10. I didn't think to notice which colored train I was on both times so it could be a certain train.

Opening day I was in row 14 and I noticed a slight vibration, but nothing major. You're right, might be a middle of the train thing.

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I notice the vibration in the middle of the train. You don't feel it at all in the last 2 cars (rows 13-16). You do hear the anti-rollbacks making an interesting noise as you hit the valleys - they make 3 loud clicks at the bottom of each hill. You only hear it in the rear of the train.

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I actually like the clicks. Just another one of those sounds of KI that I love. Like the sound of the train crashing into the chain on Beast's lift hill .. and the horrendously loud sound of SOB's train coming off the top of the lift hill .. I love both those noises.

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