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David Mandt says goodbye PKI, hello Carowinds!


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I have been sitting on this little tid-bit for a while now, but the time is right to share with those fellow enthusiasts that may know Mr. David Mandt at PKI.

David has held the position of Marketing Manager and Director of Guest Experience at PKI for several seasons now. He transferred to PKI from Star Trek: The Experience in Vegas. Prior to that, he worked within the Marketing Department at Paramount's Carowinds.

Mr. Mandt is returning to Carowinds to assume a Marketing Mangement position there. Also, David is now an offical PR rep for Paramount Parks.

This is a terrifc move for David on a lot of different levels. Mr. Mandt has been a crucial part of what I consider to be among the best Marketing/PR Department in Kings Island's history. The phenominal job that he and the Marketing Department has done over the years really shows. Not only did he embrace the park and the joy it provides, but he also embraced all of us enthusiasts that enjoy the park so much.

David officially begins his position at Carowinds on Monday May 5th. I wish him all the best of luck with the new job, Carowinds is lucky to get him back. Jeffrey Siebert, Marketing Area and Communications Manager, will assume the role vacated by David.... go Jeff! I am anxious to see what great things will come from both PKI and Carowinds after this.

It is wonderful to see good friends move up in the world. Although bittersweet for me personally, it simply means that I'll have to head South more often. Keep a seat on Top Gun ready for me David!


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Well I have E-Mailed the park many times and Mr. Mandt has allways treated my questions with respect and I really apreciated that. i am glad to see that he will be moving up in his job and will miss his kindness, Thanks For everything Mr. Mandt. laugh.gif

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I met Mr. Mandt on several occasions and he was a great professional. His departure will be a great loss for Paramount's Kings Island.

However, I also know Mr. Siebert, who is also a commendable professional, and I think that he will excell in his new position.


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Thanks for the info, Shaggy. I am one who will miss David. Although I didn't know him extremely well, he was always good for a little conversation when I saw him at the park.

David and Jeff were a real powerhouse of a team. Jeff was is the wacky one, and David was the one who kept him grounded. As a team they complimented each other like "peas and carrots."

I have a couple David Mandt memories, both involving his apparent fear of the big rides. One was last year, during the Drop Zone TV shoot. A some of you who were there know, the shoot had VERY few riders. I kept offering the seat next to me to him. He commented that he'd rather play in I-71 traffic.

The other funny David thing was just this month. He was just silly about describing himself on his first Delirium ride. He said he could be heard on the other side of the park!

Congrats to both, and good luck David!

James Moreland

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