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  1. Talking with some friends today, yes, we thought about it. I personally think that it is. Brian5465E are you absolutely sure it was heading north into Indiana, because you said you weren't sure if it was it's true route or a pit stop? It's going to Dollywood it seems. http://themountainpress.com/view/full_story/12471549/article--Planners-OK-2012-addition-for-Dollywood-?instance=homethirdleft
  2. Wow, I wasn't aware that they had milked up all that land so soon....
  3. The park still has plenty of unused land. close to 500 acres to be exact. Don't think that because the land is "unlevel" it makes it impossible to use, just look at Disney, which was all a marsh/swamp.
  4. hmmmm.....doesnt make to much since, I was down in orlando for a few months working.......and They jsut refurbished most of that ride.
  5. my favorite fearfest memory involves a basketball near rivertown lake...... some kid kept hitting a performer with his ball in the back, so one time the guy caught the ball and hurled it into the lake. I laughed so hard.
  6. For the record. The shows arent lip synched. ( except for the dancers....) the singers however, are singing. you can always tell the difference by hand set mic, headset mic. AND House of Blues does all of Timberwolfs booking, so that has little to nothing with the Cedar Fair takeover. And for the record (screamingnight) what you want is called an amusement park. Not many of them still exist. PKI is a theme park. THEME park. run that through your brain a little, and see if ya can figure out what it means. I do think, you would hate being at PKI, if the theming was gone entirely. and Cedar Points shows, are not bad as claimed, they do wonderful stage revues, they just lack on roaming. The Nick theatre was still used for a nick meet and greet show two years ago, and the Enchanted Theatre is still there, while I believe it is storage for the time being, the same goes for Festhaus. Why arent there more shows? Why arent there more people auditioning? the fact of the matter is, if good people dont audition, there arent going to be good shows. College kids ( the magority of ent. ) don't always want to work in a theme park show. Carmen Electra may have worked at PKI, but I hardly think she refers to it as what got her noticed......I can think of a run on the beach or a three page spread that handled that alot better than dancing in front of a fake Eiffel Tower. rant over yogi out.
  7. no really, theres a new bond, new movie, it's a well known property. I think its a real big possibility. and some people on these boards "refrences" and " informants" are no more than the voices in thier own heads, so dont take everything to heart.
  8. So I wonder, what will happen witht he selling of the parks, entertainment wise. Cedar Point/Cedar Fair, has never had shows that I thought were that enjoyable, I feel that Universal has the more prominent Entertainment value, with their character "parades" and great on the spot shows ala disney.
  9. Has anyone heard anything on whether or not there would be any NEW shows with the addition of NU? or which old one's are returning?
  10. good eye sniper........good eye.
  11. it looked an awful lot like her! i looked at target, where i look, in this years american idol magazine, and it is her! too bad she didnt make it, she got sent home tonight
  12. wow..........ddr geeks...........unite
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