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Enough with all the trim comments!


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this is NOT how it is today

... but it looks a lot better with out trim brakes.

But you see, in that video, there are trim brakes - they are just a different style (skid then, magnetic now). The magnetic just makes the ride feel different - quick hit of a brake versus a long ride on a brake. They are also located in all the same places that they exist today I think (first lift hill drop, second hill, brake shed, second lift hill drop enterring double helix). And if you want to test if they take the same amount of speed out, take a look at how far up the second lift hill that video shows a train going and compare it to what happens now (it's about the same - just past what I assume is an evacuation area).

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The trim on the second hill in the POV seems really short for a skid, so I would think it took off less sped than the trim now. I just had the strong feeling of the mag brakes, completely changes the feeling.

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this is NOT how it is today

... but it looks a lot better with out trim brakes.

But you see, in that video, there are trim brakes - they are just a different style (skid then, magnetic now). The magnetic just makes the ride feel different - quick hit of a brake versus a long ride on a brake. They are also located in all the same places that they exist today I think (first lift hill drop, second hill, brake shed, second lift hill drop enterring double helix). And if you want to test if they take the same amount of speed out, take a look at how far up the second lift hill that video shows a train going and compare it to what happens now (it's about the same - just past what I assume is an evacuation area).

It doesn't quite clear the first staircase any longer. I also noticed on Thursday that the brake shed is grabbing much harder, I believe they added that extra block of magnets that there had been discussion about being a possibility.

With the skid brakes on a wet track, you would make it close to the third staircase on the second lift hill. I've never seen it pass just past the mid-way point between the first two staircases on the magnetic brakes. The staircases are a very good way to measure how much speed the train has at that point. It seems like it's supposed to go to slightly past the first staircase as that is where it gets to most of the time.

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