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June 9th TR


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Yeah, I'm getting sick of my TRs and I want to start doing PTRs when I get a camera. (Birthday? Hmm?)

Anyways, here we go...

I was picked up by my friends mom at about 10:30 and we got to the park at about 10:50-11:00. The parking lot was pretty empty! We got our passes scanned and prepared for some riding!

My first stop, as always, was Diamondback. We had an uneven group, so while four people went into the normal line, I got into the SRL. I stopped about halfway down the steps. The normal line moved very fast, and the SRL moved pretty slow. I actually only got on three trains before my group, but still, that was pretty fast. All in all, I waited about 20 minutes.

We then decided on The Beast. Mainly because it remains as my favorite ride. So we got into the line which was pretty short but then this huge group of high schoolers just shoved us out of the way of the entrance and pushed into the line. <_< The line went pretty fast, and I was suprised how fast the crew was going. Again, we waited about 20 minutes. I kind of wanted to ride in the front because I had never ridden in the front seat of The Beast, but the extra line for it was a little too much for me. I jumped in two rows back though. It was running great! I did see the red boat, and it was weeeird.

After that my group wanted to ride Vortex. I didn't really feel in a Vortex mood because I had a headache, but my group wanted to. The line was really long, and at that we decided on Backlot. The line was short, so I decided why not? And I got on after about 5 minutes because a ride op came back and asked how big our group was and we told him 5. So he put us in and my friend had to ride with a single rider. It was pretty good, as always, but a little short.

Then we rode Zephyr, which I usually don't like, but rode anyways. It usually makes me sick, and ruins my day. I was totally fine after riding this time. We went into X-Base, and Firehawk was an hour, as usual. We rode Flight of Fear which was very short compared to how it usually is. I ended up riding alone though, but I was fine with that.

We ran to Racer to find the queue house almost completely empty! :D I wanted a back seat ride, but decided to get in the second to last seat, because it was a walk on. We then marathoned it 6 times. Aiiirtime! I was going to try out Slingshot, considering it was $5, but the line was pretty long for the low capacity. We went on Drop Tower, with a one-drop wait. Then the line was short again so we got on again. By this time, the line was getting pretty long so we skipped it and went on Invertigo.

Invertigo's line was about 20 minutes, which is short compared to what it usually is. I enjoyed it, as usual, altough I'm not a big fan of Vekoma. We decided we were hungry and went to eat in the Festhaus where we got to see Down Home Country. It was okay, I guess. I'm not that in to country music, but hey, some people liked it. I was glad to get out of the blazing sun.

After eating, some of my group wanted to ride SOB and some decided they wanted more DB, I didn't want to ride SOB considering my headache, and split up with 3 people to Diamondback. The line was amazingly short, and we got 2 rides out of it. The first ride, I wanted to ride in the front, and the ride-op said no. The second time I wanted to ride the back, and again, I was denied. Oh well, I'm satisfied with a ride on Diamondback regardless. ;)

The other people in my group called and said they were getting on Delirium, so we ran to Scooby-Doo. It was a walk-on.. Er, run on rather. We ran under all of the turnstyles and got on in under a minute. I got my all-time high score of 1290. One person got 200 something, and the other got 30. ;) I'd say I've got the better shot.

At this point, our deadline of 4:30 was approaching fast. We met up in front of the fountains and we went back to Action Zone. Seeing every line was long, Skyflyer was $5, I had never done Skyflyer, and Skyflier's line was short, I picked the obvious choice of.. Yup, you guessed it, Skyflyer. I was extremely scared to get on, being afraid of heights and all. (A coaster fan.. Afraid of HEIGHTS? Yeah. I am. I also like facing my fears.) Being the shortest, I had to pull the Ripcord. This made me really scared, haha.

We were attatched to the wire, and the elevator dropped out from under us. I know they say, 'the floor is going to drop out from under you', but I didn't know you'd fall that fast! I heard the "3, 2, 1, Fly!" and I pulled my ripcord and... Nothing happened. I couldn't get the thing to budge. Then after a few seconds I got it to release and we were free-falling towards the ground. This was so scary! Then we felt like we were swinging, and gradually came to a stop.

All in all, I had a good trip, and suprisingly didn't encounter any line jumpers. Thank god!

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