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Am I getting to old for rides?!


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Hey Guys!

I was in the wonderful state of Ohio last week and I didn't get to make it to Kings Island this trip, I am planning to come back for that in July. :D

But we went to Cedar Point last week, and I have NEVER been a fan of Top Thrill Dragster and have been on it when its rolled back and my friend and I wathed it launch a couple of times and one of those times it rolled back. I really didn't want to get on it. The height thing is a HUGE factor in that. But I did get on it, had no problems on the ride, but as soon as I got off I literally got sick.

I haven't gotten sick on any kind of roller coaster ever, the only thing that has done that to me is the upside down ship at Carowinds. I think it was my nerves and making myself a nervous wreck before getting on. I didn't have problems on anything else that day.

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I sometimes get sick after a coaster ride, but I've discovered that it's always when I've had too little sleep the night before. Riding while tired makes me a little nausious, but seldom to the point of hurling. I'm 40, ride big coasters, and feel great! So if you're younger than I am, my answer to your post title would be "no way, man!" B)

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After reading your post, it seems to me that your nerves simply caught up with you. Once the ride was over, you body just responded.

While I have always been blessed with an extremely strong stomach, and I've never gotten nauseous or vomited from a ride, I can relate to what you are asking.

Indeed, I do believe age affects our ability to ride. I've not spoken much about this, but my equilibrium (sp?) is not nearly as good as it once was. And I truly believe all those years of being dropped, looped, spun, twisted etc etc etc had something to do with it. I cannot ride amusement park attractions like I once could. Specifically, I cannot be looped or spun around. That's a big reason why I do not travel and ride coasters like I did years ago, my body just can't handle it anymore.

Back in the day, I would rack up 10, 20, 30 or more rides on rides/looping coasters... I'd take part in early AM, or late PM, ERTs and not suffer any consequence... I'd spend literally park open to park close hopping from one ride to another.

Those days are gone. Now I take a park at a leisurely pace, and factor in downtime between looping/spinny rides.

Just recently, I rode Tony Hawks Big Spin at SFOT. My friend loved it, and coaxed me into staying on for a second go. (The park was slow... no line.) That thing spun the crap out of me... so much so, that I could hardly stand up afterwards and had to be helped off the ride. My head spun for hours because of that, it nearly ruined the day. It took about 2 hours to fully recoup, and that involved eating a meal and sitting very, very still with my head down.

It was in that very moment that I said to myself... geez, I am middle aged... and I will never be spun like that again.


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I'm turning 30 this July and I still feel like I can take spinning rides. The Monster at KI has been the only thing to get me even slightly nauseated, but that was 4 years ago. I did Shake Rattle and Roll last year with no problems.

My fiance, on the other hand, is also turning 30 and last year started getting sick when riding spinning rides that she used to love. This year, just riding DB a few times then the Crypt got her to almost hurl. I wonder if I'm going to suffer the same fate eventually.

We're possibly going to Disney World for our honeymoon in November. My big question is...should I ride the teacups?

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Well I'm 15 and can't do the spinning rides. Ever sense a spinning ride at a 4-H fair, I will not ride any spinning thing. But I can ride Diamondback and Beast all day with out feeling nauseas(sp.). I know it's wierd.

I'm like you. I can handle all the coasters but get me on anything that spins I'm done except for Delirium. I can't ride avatar without feeling sick

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Delrium make me feel nautious, but only when the ride is ending, I don't know why that is.

Also the last 2 bunny hills on DB makes me nautious as well, this annoys the crap out of me.

I can't really do spinning rides either.

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I'm 28 (was in March) and thought after riding every other ride at CP that it was my nerves.

The only ride other than that I got sick on was Southern Star at Carowinds. But it wasn't the first time on that sort of ride that I got sick on.

I rode Delirium with ZERO problems last summer, the only thing it did was scare me a bit! hahaha

Thanks for the responses. :)

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I don't think you are ever too old to ride. Perhaps you need to incorporate Dramamine into the day.

I saw a mid-70's guy get on Diamondback. The guy that was beside of me said to him "YOU are my inspiration. I hope I still ride when I'm old" :lol:

As for getting sick on rides, I used to get nauseated and it was all due to being nervous. I'm 30 now and can ride anything that flips, dips, whirls and twirls without getting sick at all. I have found not getting worked up about a ride, having a full (not overly full) stomach and a good nights rest does wonders..

My husband used to be able to ride anything without problems. Now he gets nauseated on the spinning rides. He takes 1 Dramamine when we enter the park and is good to go. Just don't make a mistake like he did last month and take 2 'just to be safe'. LOL...he fell asleep while we were having lunch on I-street.

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I'm 45 and have noticed more and more in recent years that my body has less tolerance for the wooden coasters. I won't ride SOB anymore, and if I ride The Beast I ride towards the front in a middle seat. The only other ride that bothers me a little is Firehawk. Both times that I have ridden it I have felt a little light-headed afterwards, although that feeling only lasted a few minutes. On the other hand, I think Diamondback is a great ride that doesn't bother me at all.

Mike B.

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I'm 45 and have noticed more and more in recent years that my body has less tolerance for the wooden coasters. I won't ride SOB anymore, and if I ride The Beast I ride towards the front in a middle seat. The only other ride that bothers me a little is Firehawk. Both times that I have ridden it I have felt a little light-headed afterwards, although that feeling only lasted a few minutes. On the other hand, I think Diamondback is a great ride that doesn't bother me at all.

Mike B.

Firehawk gave me a massive headache afterwards. I think it had to do with me trying to stay somewhat in the restraints. I'm small framed, so my shoulders were trying to slip right through the harness. I don't think I was locked down far enough before we left the station. I dunno. But I was very uncomfortable the entire ride.

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I used to be able to ride a Coaster all day without leaving the station, but at Ride Warriors Diamondback Night ERT, I rode DB 19 Times, half of which didn't leave the station. And On my last two rides of the night I was sick of Diamondback, and when I got to the hotel I felt like I was going to throw up. And now I can only ride Diamondback 4 Times per hour, and When ever I hit the last brake run on Diamondback I feel Nauseous. I really hope I get over this, cause It sucked when I was at KI last week and Diamondback was a station wait all day and I only rode 8 Times, If I would of only rode Diamondback 15 or So Times during RWCW ERT, Than I would probably have about 75 Diamondback rides by now, instead of my pathetic 51...

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I'm fine on giant spinning rides like Delirium and maXair, Skyscraper, etc. I can even ride Super Himalaya at CP with no problem.

Now when it comes to carnival flats like Troika, Chaos, Monster, etc. where the seats spin separately from the base of the ride, forget it. So many people don't understand why I won't ride those things. They will make me nauseous for an extended period of time.

I didn't feel so hot after my 7th ride in a row on Raptor in the rear seat or on my 10th ride in a row on Diamondback, but I really didn't care.

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Angie, I know what you mean about Raptor. I felt Coaster Drunk after getting off the 13th ride. Had to go sit down at the picnic tables by the exit.

While we all love short lines, I am now more about the quanity of different rides instead of reride after reride.

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I don't buy age as the only factor - I'm in my late 30's (I hate thinking that, let alone typing it) and can ride just about anything ... but, as you get older, you need to make sure you prepare better.

For me, this is eating something light and not greasy before a day of riding and getting a good nights sleep (like others have said). Wearing sunglasses/hat, staying hydrated and as cool as possible help as well. It may sound silly, but I also stretch out my legs before I go to the park or while waiting for some rides.

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You aren't kidding. I see people chug soda all day when it's hot, refuse to wear sunblock, eat tons of greasy food, and then wonder why they want to sit out for most of the rides during the day.

Oh also, getting sunburnt dehydrates you faster. So does drinking sugary and/or caffeinated drinks all day.

I realize that a lot of people think they are invincible and don't need sunblock. Sorry, but don't whine to me when you look like a lobster later and want to go home because "you don't feel good." Getting sunburnt dehydrates you, and both can lead to heat exhaustion.

Drink water, wear sunblock, and don't eat greasy food. That's what I do, and that's why I can run from ride to ride without slowing down. :)

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I'm one of those people who gets sunburned even on cloudy days, so I keep a bottle of sunscreen in my pocket and reapply any time I start to feel the sun on my cheeks. I also get water nearly every time I pass a food stand (much to the annoyance of many people, I'm sure). I do not eat park food due in large part to how greasy it all is, and eat significantly less than I do on non park days. A combination of these factors keeps me hydrated and energized all day!

I didn't follow my own rules and ate a large greasy meal during RWW, and as a result ended up sitting out most of the night ERT on Diamondback. It's a mistake I've been careful not to repeat!

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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X2 on the overall health thing.

I'm...in my mid-50's...and I've noticed Beast and SOB can beat the stuffings out of you in the back seats, and the front seats can be tricky as well.

Get used to other things not being as much fun as they used to (not goin' there) and resign yourself to riding more steel coasters than woodies.

That said, the spinning rides (like Delirium) are VERY smooth. As long as you aren't already prone to motion sickness, that is...

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I am 46... Maybe I don't ride like alot of you younger people do ( 50 times on a ride at a time) sorry, maybe exaggerating. But, I do like the rides. I don't ever feel like puking but I do feel when I go up hills, even the ones that didn't bother me in the past,,, lightheaded & hafta close my eyes till the ride really gets going then I am fine. And the next day, like today, I need to "chill" not really do anything but "ease into life, again"?? Does this make since to anyone???

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