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Andrew's KIC Event TR- August 22


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On Saturday, August 22- I had the pleasure of attending Mid Summer Scream, presented by the Great Ohio Coaster Club and KICentral. This marks my 10th visit to the park this season.

I arrived at the park at about 8:15am and proceeded to the registration window to get legalized for the day’s events. After I was registered and set to go, I joined the line to get into the park- about 100 or so people in said line. At approximately 8:30am, security let us enter the park so we can get our ERT underway. Got in line for Diamondback and noticed Gabriel (Captain Nemo) is working the controls this morning.

First ride was in Row 4. When the train returned to the station, there was nobody waiting for my row so I squeezed in one more ride in the same seat. When we returned to the station after my second go-round, I decided to move up to Row 3 and got 4 laps in without getting off. After my sixth ride, I decided to get off of the ride, take a little breather and to use the little “Ride Warriors” room in Nick Universe. After I got finished tending to my business- I saw Gary (Beast79) walking towards Diamondback and joined him for a ride in Row 14. After this, me and him got back in line to ride again- this time he went towards the back of the train and I got in line for Row 8. Got another re-ride in this seat upon returning to the station.

After this ride, everything started spinning. I sat down for a little while and got back to normal. At this time, I saw Jesse (Avatar), Makayla (Ogrmac), Ryan (BoddaH1994), Tom (CoastersNSich), and Sean (Indianapolisman). Talked to them for awhile and decided to get one last ride in during ERT before the general public filtered in- so me, Ryan, and Tom get on and I sit in Row 11. Then the masses arrive, and in a matter of minutes- the line is already extending back into Nick Universe. After this, the three of us head over towards the splashdown for the group picture. After the picture was taken- Jesse, Ryan, and me decide to leave the park to grab some breakfast at Perkins. We ran into Makayla at Perkins as well and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. When we left Perkins, we had to take a quick trip to CVS to get some allergy medicine for Ryan. We returned to the park around 12:15pm.

Coming back into the park, we run into Darlene and we talk to her for a little bit and ask her how many rides she has so far on Diamondback. So far, she is at 648 rides. After this, we head over to the Kings Island Theatre for the Columbus Blue Jackets Q&A and we run into Don Helbig along the way. He asked us how we liked the ERT earlier on in the morning and how we were enjoying our day. Shortly after, Rachel (StalkerChick), Justin (Justin_M17), Dustin (KIruler102), Sean (Indianapolisman), Danielle (keiko_coaster), and Jackson (Beast1979) join us for the 1:00pm show. Before we were granted entry to the theatre, Jesse and Ryan had an interesting debate against the Blackberry and iPhone. As soon as we get out of the Q&A, all of us head up towards the Festhaus to see County Line. As soon as this show was over, all of us headed over towards the Picnic Grove for lunch.

We were treated to a delicious lunch of salad, macaroni and cheese, barbecue sandwiches, bratwurst, and ice cream. I’m really not sure what all they had, that’s all that I really ate! They had unlimited soft drinks as well- and my only complaint about this was the mass amount of bees around both Coke machines. Every time I tried to get a drink, I got attacked. That was the only drawback about the whole picnic, everything else was great. After everyone ate, Cathy Schwab spoke about the event and presented Don Helbig with a plaque. After she spoke, Don spoke himself and KICentral’s very own Ryan Suhr spoke for a little bit as well.

At 4:30pm, everyone met outside the entrance to the Picnic Grove for the Sign Shop tour. We start going backstage and it starts pouring rain. Everyone made a mad dash towards the sign shop and we finally got inside. I’ve never been inside the Sign Shop until now- but that place blew me away! Just seeing the old signs, including the ones for Top Gun and King Cobra, brought back memories of these attractions. Upon checking out all of the signs in the shop- I found the Son of Beast sign. I got a picture of it, but it’s not all that great.

After we toured the Sign Shop and the rain stopped, Don made a phone call to see if we could go back behind The Beast. He got the okay and we made our way over to The Beast. I’ve never been back behind The Beast and it was quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever done while I was at Kings Island. I’ve only seen the ride while actually on it, and it was a treat to see it from a different perspective. We only went to the second lift hill, but they were originally planning to take us all the way back to the tunnels. Since the rain hit, that plan got put to the wayside. It was a lot of fun nonetheless.

After the tour, Don reminded everyone to meet back at Diamondback at 9:45pm for the last rides of the night. Me, Ryan, Tom, Sean (Indianapolisman) and Jesse went towards Putz HQ for Marty’s Party. We met up with Dustin, Justin, Rachel, Danielle, Tracy, and Sean (Beast Man). After Marty’s Party was over, all of us headed over towards Drop Tower. Everyone except for Ryan, Tom, and myself didn’t go on Drop Tower. Ryan stayed behind to videotape Tracy on the ride while me and Tom went to the Eiffel Tower to get some pictures and to check out Flashback: Totally 80’s. A little while later, we reunited with the group and proceeded to get a ride on Adventure Express. Waited about 15 to 20 minutes for the last rows on the train. After this, we headed towards The Racer. About half of us went for Blue, the other half for Red. I did the Blue Racer, and waited about 5 minutes before getting on. Our side didn’t win unfortunately….

Immediately following The Racer, half of the group split up and headed to get something to eat and to get a night ride on The Beast. The other half, consisting of Jesse, Ryan, Dustin, both Seans, Tom, and myself headed towards Flight of Fear. They reopened the ride just as we were coming up to it. I figured there wouldn’t be a line since they just reopened the ride, boy was I wrong! All of the switchbacks in the hangar were completely filled and we ended up waiting about an hour before we got on. When we got into the station, we found out that they were only running one train. We boarded and found that the MCBR was still turned on and cranked up even though they were only running one train.

After we got done with Flight of Fear, we headed towards the train. Enjoyed a peaceful, relaxing and cool ride on the train. Upon returning to the station, all of us headed towards Diamondback for the last rides of the night. They actually had the line closed to the general public starting at about 9:50pm or so and were only letting GOCC/KIC people in line. Waited maybe 15 minutes for the last ride of the night and got Row 3.

This is the first KIC event that I have attended, and I have to say that I absolutely had a blast! Major thanks goes to Cathy Schwab of the Great Ohio Coaster Club, Don Helbig of Kings Island, and to Ryan Suhr of KICentral for planning such an amazing event that was enjoyed about 100 people or so. I can’t wait to hear about more KIC events in the future because I will definitely try to be there. I took about 70 pictures of the event, and I’m surely not going to post them all here. If you would like to view my pictures, you can check them out here. Thanks for reading- I had an awesome time and if you were there, I hope that you did as well!

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Andrew - thanks for writing up the Trip Report and linking the pictures. I wish I'd signed up/been able to stay for the whole day; instead I was only able to get some normal gold pass ERT and a few other rides with some fun KIC'ers.

Picture notes:

- Jesse/Pumpkin picture: Wonder if Jesse thinks talking to the pumpkin or debating Ryan was easier!

- Sign Shop pics: Some really neat pics there, thanks for sharing!

- Beast Structure pics: I love structure pics and you have some great ones posted - wow.

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Andrew I have always felt the best part of any event is being able to hang out and to get to know fellow enthusiast/members better. I am glad we got to spend a good amount of time together to get to know each other better, I enjoyed your report it was pretty detailed.

Picture notes:

- Jesse/Pumpkin picture: Wonder if Jesse thinks talking to the pumpkin or debating Ryan was easier!

KIfan1980 Good to meet you yesterday as well. To answer your question let me put it to you this way, One was full of pumpkin seeds and the other full of ..it!!!

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I wish you had gotten video of the weird old guy in the wheelchair who interrupted our "Blackberry vs. iPhone" debate by saying something along the lines of, "Stop talking and start doing something about it! That's why we fought the war!"

I think we were all just standing there dumbfounded wondering what on earth was he talking about! What was your response - 'thanks, now move along' or something like that?

Andrew - I only was with the group a short time around when Jesse took the video as I had stuff to do at home. Hopefully next time I'll get to hang out longer.

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