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I was just wondering has there ever been a day at the park where it seems like there's nobody there? like the ride lines were short and when the attendence was low, not counting park rentals. Thanks.

Edited by PKIFan
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yeah it was like 9 at night and we had to wait for people to ride with us there weren't enough people I think they had to have ten for it to ride and there was four so we waited like 2 minutes and then someone came and we rode it and then we rode SOB and walked on practically walked on but there was one person in front of us but it was for the front seat. The reason was it was raining a lot that day but it was still cool.

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Every once in a while you will find that the park seems empty. It depends on the weather, the day, and the time you go. Also, other areas of the park may seem empty but then you go to other areas and it is pretty normal... rainy weather is the best time to go if you don't like lines.

Edited by matt3224
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The attendance for 2001 was most likely higher than the attendance for 2002. Not very many people came to the park during that year due to the extremely hot weather. This year it's been going up and down. Just recently it's been down due to these nasty thunderstorms we've been having. Things look good weatherwise, so attendance should be up this week.


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As far as empty days, this past Easter was incredible. I don't know the attendance figures or anything...but I rode EVERYTHING more times than I could possibly count.

Also, I'm doing my part to keep attendance up. I've been to the park 41 times so far this season. Sometimes for just a few hours, but I'll still play a game or two...and usually eat! biggrin.gif

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I once visited the park during one of their down days and surprisingly ended up as being the only rider on Flight of Fear (this was soon after they took off the rider limit). They warned me that the ride would go extremely faster without anyone else in it to weight it down..and it did. One of the best rides of my life on that ride....it also boosted the fear factor a bit knowing that I was the only one.

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I went yesterday, and stayed from opening to closing. I walked on practically every ride. The only 2 I didnt was Flight of Fear, and Tomb Raider. FoF's line was 10 minutes, and Tomb Raider about 15. That was because the middle row in Tomb Raider was closed. The movie was also not working on Tomb Raider, and the lights just went out and you heard the voice talking.

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