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Are You Glad Kings Island Pulled the Displays of Dead Celebrities from Haunt?


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  LongLiveTheSmurfRide said:
  THE_BEASTmaster said:
He was actually cheating on his wife with this woman. He was already married. It's sad that his wife had to find out this way though.

I know he was cheating on his wife, but some people have been making statements like he deserved what he got for that, or he knew what he was walking into? I'm sorry, but everyone has skeletons in their closets, pun intended, but that doesn't exactly mean that they deserve to die for them.

Hey not everyone has skeletons in thier closet Chuck Norris doesnt have skeletons in is closet. Skelentons have Chuck Norris in their closets.

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  Coaster Kid said:
  LongLiveTheSmurfRide said:
  THE_BEASTmaster said:
He was actually cheating on his wife with this woman. He was already married. It's sad that his wife had to find out this way though.

I know he was cheating on his wife, but some people have been making statements like he deserved what he got for that, or he knew what he was walking into? I'm sorry, but everyone has skeletons in their closets, pun intended, but that doesn't exactly mean that they deserve to die for them.

Hey not everyone has skeletons in thier closet Chuck Norris doesnt have skeletons in is closet. Skelentons have Chuck Norris in their closets.

Posts like this one make me pull my hair out.... it adds nothing to the discussion......

So here is my question, don't flame me for it, why was the Farrah Fawcett skeleton bad? I understand she died, but she was in her most iconic pose. Sort of similar to the MJ as thriller. Dave Thomas in his Wendy's gear, again I am okay with the same thing Heath Ledger dressed as the joker (just remove the pill bottles).

Are you guys, who are anti-skeletons, against the skeletons being placed or the skeletons being placed while incorporating their tragic way of dying into the scene?

I for one am all for placing skeletons in a celebrity grave yard, if its done tastefully -Patrick Swaze at a pottery wheel, Farrah Fawcett in a red swim suit, MJ in his thriller or bad dance suit, Billy Mays selling a product, Steve McNair wearing his jersey throwing a football.......

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  shark6495 said:
Are you guys, who are anti-skeletons, against the skeletons being placed or the skeletons being placed while incorporating their tragic way of dying into the scene?

Here was my answer to this question back on post #25:

I think the scenes would have gone over better if they had put the skeletons in positions portraying things that the celebrities were more well known for. Like show McNair with a football in hand about to pass it. Or Ledger in his Joker costume.

I'd be all for something like that. For instance, if they had an Elvis skeleton, I'd much rather see him in front of a microphone than laying next to a toilet with his pants around his ankles.

Why show the actual way they died? That's just morbid. If you want to use it as an excuse to "remember" the dead, then remember what made them famous in the first place, not the circumstances of their end.

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  shark6495 said:
Are you guys, who are anti-skeletons,

I can not answer for all of us "anti-skeletons", but it appeared to me that the vast majority of us really only had a problem with the "means of death" ones...but I will say that as for the Farrah one, I think it is too soon...next year would have suited me better. I have been fortunate and have only lost one really close relative, my mother...you will find that at the beginning it is hard to laugh at anything connected to that person, over time that goes away and you can joke about things that originally you wouldn't have thought possible...but keep in mind, I still do not mean insulting things...just funny things that the person either did or that you think they would say in a paticular situation. Until you go through a "close" death you can not understand what it is like...even though you think you can.

(Sorry if this post turned out depressing! :) )

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  standbyme said:
  shark6495 said:
Are you guys, who are anti-skeletons,

I can not answer for all of us "anti-skeletons", but it appeared to me that the vast majority of us really only had a problem with the "means of death" ones...but I will say that as for the Farrah one, I think it is too soon...next year would have suited me better. I have been fortunate and have only lost one really close relative, my mother...you will find that at the beginning it is hard to laugh at anything connected to that person, over time that goes away and you can joke about things that originally you wouldn't have thought possible...but keep in mind, I still do not mean insulting things...just funny things that the person either did or that you think they would say in a paticular situation. Until you go through a "close" death you can not understand what it is like...even though you think you can.

(Sorry if this post turned out depressing! :) )

Not depressing and I know what you mean by too soon, and some people will only know till a close loved one dies. With that being said I did not want you (anyone) to answer for the group just your opinion.....

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