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Flight of Fear Themeing


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I have a few questions about the themeing on Flight of Fear.

1. Was fog ever used anywhere on the attraction? I remember commercials where fog was shot out of the launch tunnel as soon as the train was launched, but I have never seen it happen.

2. Once in the loading station, there is a large maroon ball which hangs just above the middle of the train. This ball has a red stripe that goes down its middle. Did this ball ever move in any way, or have any other purpose?

3. Over the years, has any themeing been added and/or removed from Flight of Fear, from its opening as Outer Limits: Flight of Fear?

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Answers to 2 and 3:

2. No the ball never moved, just decoration. Most people never even see it. Heck most people probably even look on the other side of the station at the "pods" which have maniquens (sp?) in them. They change like every year.

3. So I guess in the answer to 2 I answered 3. But another thing that has changed is the video. They took out the parts that were "Outer Limits". ie the "Don't bother adjusting your monitor... We control the horizontal... We control the vertical..." So that made the video shorter.

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I work at FoF, I will answer, because well... I know the answers.

1. Yes, fog was used in the ride. The had fog machines in the hanger, and they even have the fog machines on in the hanger sometimes this year. In the station, they used to have fog at the start of the launch tunnel, so when you were launched, the train went into the fog and the lights went on (as they do now) so it looked like the train dissappeared into thin air. You can even see the grates where the fog came out around the start of the tunnel. Also, there used to be fog machines in the saucer, and you can also see the grates along the ceiling there also.

2. The ball never moved, but I heard that when the ride first premiered, they had it set so that when the train was launched out of the station, all of the lights went out and the red light on the ball lit up VERY brightly, so that all you could see was the red light. Not sure about this one, but this is just was I was told by a supervisor.

3. Theming added / changed? Probably. They changed the movie in the hanger about 2-3 years ago, also changed the sign right in front of The Racer when the name changed from OL:FoF to just FoF. Other theming might have been changed, but I doubt it.

And about the mannequins in the pods, people say they are aliens, but if you look closely, they are supposed to be humans. One has an old PKI shirt on, and one even has a pink doll in her hands. We call them the hybrids, and say that the aliens take the riders, and create alien/human hybrids from our riders. Well, used to at least smile.gif .

This has been your FoF history lesson for today, enjoy!

Edited by StXBomber
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people say they are aliens, but if you look closely, they are supposed to be humans. One has an old PKI shirt on...

yeah i saw that one. isn't it the first "pod" on the right side of the operator (looking from the que)? unsure.gif

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I remember not even a month ago at the point in video when they have the "15,000 watt surge" or whatever when all the lights are supposed to be flickering a quick, but very noticable puff of fog was shot out of the saucer on the right side of the entrance. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it did add to the "overload" or "power surge" feeling.


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That's too bad really. I'll never understand the point of themeing a ride when eventually, it will just sit there collecting dust. This applies to almost all other theme parks as well. I would much rather they don't theme a ride at all than let it dwindle away after the first two seasons. It always seems like I'm missing something when I KNOW that the themeing is there, but its not working.

Well, nothing I can really do about it for now. No use in complaining I suppose, so I'll just have to wait a few years until I own Paramount Parks. laugh.gif

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When you own it, let me help you improve upon the FoF experience! (I have ideas...)

My fav prop in the hanger is what I call, "Practice golf balls in orange juice". They are plastic practice golf balls in a jar with orange colored water (im guessing). I don't know what it's supposed to be, but I get a kick out of it (Its to the left of the saucer, looking right at the saucer).

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When you own it, let me help you improve upon the FoF experience! (I have ideas...)

My fav prop in the hanger is what I call, "Practice golf balls in orange juice". They are plastic practice golf balls in a jar with orange colored water (im guessing). I don't know what it's supposed to be, but I get a kick out of it (Its to the left of the saucer, looking right at the saucer).

I totally agree with you there. It's actually worse for people who ride it for the first time in the later years who will never will never know the amazing experieces we all had the first couple seasons that FoF was opened.

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I say within the next few years, the should overhaul the ride, and take out all of the theming. I mean, look at Top Gun. After awhile, the theming starts looking like crap, and becomes completely worthless. If FoF ever becomes like Gun is now theming wise, they should tear down the building, take out all of the theming, and revamp the line/other parts of the ride for out-doors. I think it would be cool to see the train go through the track.

They probably won't do that, but I think it would be cool!

And if you wanna see what the FoF track looks like, be happy! There have been several clones made of FoF, and most are outdoors! Here is a link to a pic of one in Texas. http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery528...8.htm?Picture=1

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What confused me about Top Gun's themeing going to crap was that it had a sponser.Would that have anything to do with it.I mean..Most of the que goes COMPLETLY un-noticed now..Back underneath the actual station.And I like the mist that they use on TR:TR at the end.It relitivly looks like fog.And once again..Lets hear it for the wonderful people that washed the FOF que .=]

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And once again..Lets hear it for the wonderful people that washed the FOF que .=]

I didn't even post that we cleaned it again! Thanks for noticing! This time, I actually did help in the cleaning process (I wasn't working the last time). Everyone on the crew now knows the term "hanger juice".

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I realize I can get annoying with all of my questions ( BeastFreak may be able to relate to this since I went to him for all of my job information. ) but I'm a perfectionist, so here goes.

Flight of Fear does look A LOT better than it did before. Its great how there is no longer huge amounts of dust floating around the hanger. However, has the UFO and surrounding scenery been cleaned? It seems that the UFO and the loading station are covered in a think layer of dust. I noticed on one of my rides that a ride-op brushed against the wall on the control-side of the station and there was a very noticable difference from where he had and hadn't rubbed against the wall.

Obviously, I am not an employee at Paramount's Kings Island, and I don't know exactly what the job requirements are for ride-ops concerning cleaning. If you are [ legally and willing ] able to answer this, how much emphasis is placed on cleanliness by the higher-ups?


What you said about allergies makes a really good point. If in fact PKI stopped using fog on Flight of Fear for this reason I would understand. I would actually think better of PKI for being that concerned about their guests.

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Cleanliness is very high up for those higher than us normal ride operators. In Coney Mall, each ride gets a good scrub down every week now, but I must say, the area around the hanger and the load station on the side guests do not go to, does not get cleaned as well as the que line. They try to make the experience better for our guests. And we don't really mind the dust, at least I don't.

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I am new to this board, so hello to all. I disagree that the themeing on FOF should be taken out. I would rather see the themeing taken care of then removed. Although, if the themeing is going to wind up like Top Gun's, then maybe they should. I also don't agree that the building should be removed either. Half of the fun of that ride is that it is indoors. That's my .02.

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That's what I was saying, if the theming ends up like Top Gun's theming, then take it out. I do like how it's indoors, but I also think it would be cool to change it up a bit, and take it outside! Then you can see the whole world go racing by, instead of just the station (which is why the back seat is the best, you can see the station go whizzing by). Not to mention all of the supports whizzing by! I mean, look at that pic I posted of a FoF clone! Look at all those supports!

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Sorry, got a little confused about what you were getting at. Anyway, I think that removing the building would ruin the experience. I like barely being able to see where I am going. Removing the themeing would not really hurt the experience, though. What about changing the video you watch while waiting? Now that I've seen it a bazillion times, I find it quite annoying. I also noticed last year that they removed the on-ride photo. Why? I have recently started collecting them and I really wanted one on that ride.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish it were possible to bring back the old intro from the Outer Limits days. Do you guys remember when they would say "We control the horizontal and the vertical" and the ship would project horizontal and vertical lines onto the wall?

I wish they'd make it more with aliens and stuff as opposed to having bad actors playing milirtary people playing bad jokes on eachother.

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The reason they changed the name was licensing for Outer Limits. The show was a popular revival during the 90's. However, if they were going to re-theme it they should use a movie.....Star Trek perhaps? If they would add the third train back as it now operates without OTSR, as well as adding the 6th car (the clones have a 6th car), the line would be a people mover. With a little special effects magic, the 24 riders could be "Beamed UP" for a battle with the Klingons inside the ride building.

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