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Why not split Oktoberfest?


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I'm not sure of the exact year it closed, but it was '93 or '94. The restaurant was well known and visited independent of Kings Island. that is, it had a seperate entrance from the outside of the park, so that people could go to the restaurant without actually paying admission and visiting the park. If you entered the restaurant from the park entrance, you had to get your hand stamped, and then show your stamp to re-enter the park. It was quite a pricy restaurant... they served things like lobster and prime rib.


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Yeah, they need a better selection at PKI as far as food goes. Basically, you have two choices: overpriced pizza, or mediocre-at-best cheeseburgers. They have other options too like chicken fingers and fries, but those are just overpriced appetizers in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, Bubba Gump's is definitely a step in the right direction!

Anyway, opening the Internation Resteraunt seems like a great idea. I'm sure they closed it for a reason: lack of revenue, operating costs exceeding profit, or whatever, but it's such a good thing that it had to have been a marketing problem.

It would create a great atmosphere especially for young couples. You could eat at the resteraunt, and possibly visit the park and still feel like you went on a semi-classy date. They would just have to market it correctly. I mean, granted I was probably about 11 when they closed it, but until this year, I had never heard of it. Even if they didn't do regualr advertising and just advertised within the park, I'm sure they could do decent business.

As far as the elevator issue goes, it's not as big of a deal as you'd think it is. I mean, they'd have to have one due to codes, but this is Paramount we're taking about. If they found a good enough reason to put one in and open that restaurant, I can assure you that nothing would stand in their way.


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I sorry this is a little off topic. But I was surprised to see that the statue's or puppets still work above the Festhouse enterance. And they still do grap the attention of the people walking by. smile.gif

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Yeah, they need a better selection at PKI as far as food goes.  Basically, you have two choices: overpriced pizza, or mediocre-at-best cheeseburgers.  They have other options too like chicken fingers and fries, but those are just overpriced appetizers in my opinion. 

Don't get me wrong, Bubba Gump's is definitely a step in the right direction!

Anyway, opening the Internation Resteraunt seems like a great idea.  I'm sure they closed it for a reason: lack of revenue, operating costs exceeding profit, or whatever, but it's such a good thing that it had to have been a marketing problem. 

It would create a great atmosphere especially for young couples.  You could eat at the resteraunt, and possibly visit the park and still feel like you went on a semi-classy date.  They would just have to market it correctly.  I mean, granted I was probably about 11 when they closed it, but until this year, I had never heard of it.  Even if they didn't do regualr advertising and just advertised within the park, I'm sure they could do decent business. 

As far as the elevator issue goes, it's not as big of a deal as you'd think it is.  I mean, they'd have to have one due to codes, but this is Paramount we're taking about.  If they found a good enough reason to put one in and open that restaurant, I can assure you that nothing would stand in their way.


I agree with Boddah (aka Ryan) that The International Street Restaurant must've been closed due to financial reasons. PKI would've discontinue a restaurant/attraction if it was very profitable.

Additionally, I agree that most of PKI's dining facilities are not the most romantic in the world to take a date to. However, I also agree that Bubba Gump's is a MAJOR step in the right direction. As of this year it is Mrs. Chef's favorite restaurant at PKI. And I think that it makes a great place to take a date. I've taken my wife there several times. And for those of you who are single, you can still date your spouse. Buying roses for your wife, asking her out on a date, and little things like that help keep a marriage romantic.

Furthermore, I would like to commend Mandarin Cuisine as a GREAT leap forward in the right direction. As of this year it is MY favorite restaurant at PKI, surpassing Festhaus. The food is great and decently priced. Additionally, I grew up in a part of NYC that was largely Chinese - and the staff at Mandarin Cuisine is Chinese - or Asian anyway. Hence, I kind of feel at home there though I'm ethnically Italian.

Under David Zellner's culinary stewardship, PKI is making great strides to improving its culinary offerings at PKI. Anyway, that's my opinion and advice.

Have a groovy weekend.


Italian Chef

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<<Furthermore, I would like to commend Mandarin Cuisine as a GREAT leap forward in the right direction. As of this year it is MY favorite restaurant at PKI, surpassing Festhaus. The food is great and decently priced.>>

Yeah, I forgot about that one. I've never eaten there, but I have had some of their samples and...wow...

Anyway Italian Chef, when are you going to get a daily live cooking show there? biggrin.gif


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<<Furthermore, I would like to commend Mandarin Cuisine as a GREAT leap forward in the right direction. As of this year it is MY favorite restaurant at PKI, surpassing Festhaus. The food is great and decently priced.>>

Yeah, I forgot about that one. I've never eaten there, but I have had some of their samples and...wow...

Anyway Italian Chef, when are you going to get a daily live cooking show there? biggrin.gif



I might have told you that I used to produce, write, and star in my own public access TV Cooking show called Home Cooking with Charles. In it we combined comedy skits with cooking. So, quite frankly I REALLY can produce, write, and star in a cooking-comedy show at PKI. Thanks for your kind words.


Italian Chef

PS - In case people were wondering why I call myself Italian Chef - it's because I was a TV Chef in Northern Kentucky until February this year. And I will be back on public access TV as an assistant Chef in the latter part of this year.

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I sorry this is a little off topic. But I was surprised to see that the statue's or puppets still work above the Festhouse enterance. And they still do grap the attention of the people walking by. smile.gif

They don't grab as much attention as me and my friend that I work with, when we start doing the chicken dance out front of Festhaus as we are passing by. Now that gets people's attention.

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That is funny! I've never seen you and your friends do the chicken dance - but I would surely enjoy a good laugh if I did. When I lived in Japan and had too much to drink I would walk home and say to ladies "SUMIMASEN BOKU WA IROOTOKO!!!!" in the intonation of a sumo wrestling announcer and stretch like a sumo wrestler. That was as humorous as your chicken dance tale and made them laugh.

One thing that PKI could really benefit from is a comedy show. Make people laugh!

How about a Italian Chef cooking show with background dancers who do the chicken dance and two beautiful women assistants to help me with comedy skits in the kitchen. Just a thought.

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>>>PKI would've discontinue a restaurant/attraction if it was very profitable.<<<

The International Restaurant was always busy, and I can't see it ever not making a profit. As I wrote above, the restaurant had both an entrance from inside the park and from outside the park... so people would come just to go to the restaurant and not even go to King's Island.

The main reason it was closed when Paramount took over was an attempt to save money in operating costs by streamlining management. That is, putting the operation of the park's food services under fewer people and offering the same type of foods throughout the park.


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>>>PKI would've discontinue a restaurant/attraction if it was very profitable.<<<

The International Restaurant was always busy, and I can't see it ever not making a profit. As I wrote above, the restaurant had both an entrance from inside the park and from outside the park... so people would come just to go to the restaurant and not even go to King's Island.

The main reason it was closed when Paramount took over was an attempt to save money in operating costs by streamlining management. That is, putting the operation of the park's food services under fewer people and offering the same type of foods throughout the park.


I'm not doubting that it was busy, but they still may not have made money. Keep in mind that the nicer the food preparation, the higher the overhead is.

Perhaps they should have another company run it. What do you think?


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I'm not doubting that it was busy, but they still may not have made money.  Keep in mind that the nicer the food preparation, the higher the overhead is. 

Perhaps they should have another company run it.  What do you think?


High School teenage kids can flip burgers and deep-fry chicken or shrimp. However, a fancy sit down restaurant would require a full-time trained chef - who would demand a competitive salary. That may have been a reason as well.

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Oh, I'm not doubting that teenagers could do a good job working in a resteraunt. I was one of them less than a year ago. ohmy.gif

It really has more to do with the credibility of the resteraunt. "High rollers" in resteraunts would much rather eat a meal cooked by Pierre' the French chef than Billy who works weekend nights to pay for his car insurance. (No ethnocentrism intended against the French)


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