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how were the "Wait " times??

We went during yesterday's Howl-O-Fest, to enjoy short lines after enduring Saturday night's 2.5 hour wait for The Beast. Talk about a night and day difference (sorry - very bad pun :P )... during the day on Sunday, every ride we did was either walk-on or only a 5-10 minute wait maximum. This included DB, Beast, Vortex, Racer, AE, FD, and Invertigo. We got 20+ rides in 4 hours, and that included a lunch stop.

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Sunday the park was empty. All the rides were open that could be open .. keep in mind that weather affects which rides will be open. I believe it was too cold for Drop Tower, it was closed most, if not all of the day.

Even after the park transformed to Haunt, the rides, and haunts, were all walk-ons. Diamondback was a station wait, Beast only had people waiting for front seat, and Vortex, Racer and Flight of Fear were complete walk-ons.

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Is that why Drop Tower is closed cause it is too cold? I really looking forward to getting at least one more ride in on it.

I'm assuming so. Intamin rides tend to be picky about weather. I think on days that it's close to or under 50 degrees, you'll see a lot of rides not operating due to the cold.

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