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TR - 11/01/09


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Yesterday FriedOreoGirl and I had a great last day of the season at KI. We planned on meeting up with the other KICers in the morning, but we ran late and didn’t get there until 11. We stopped at McDonalds at the exit before KI and overheard some funny stuff. A lady was yelling at her group of teens, “would you hurry up and order?! We’re already late! I don’t even know how to get there!!” We wondered if they were going to KI and sure enough we saw them in the Diamondback station about an hour later. She still looked angry lol.

We were super excited to be at KI because we had already made our “last trip” in early October. And the short lines everywhere were a dream come true. Our goal was to take our season-long Diamondback ride count of 20 and double it in one day. We came close, we got 15 rides putting our total at 35. We live 3 hours away, so compared to some of you that live closer… 35 rides is pretty good! On the 9th ride we got a great on ride photo….


We had plenty of time to ride several other rides. I don’t think we waited in line longer than 5 minutes all day. After a while we decided to make a final stroll through Nick Universe. And since we were taking a DB break and the lines were so short we figured we’d ride some kiddy rides for the heck of it (and before the names got changed). We rode Reptar for the first time. I can’t wait until my kids are big enough for that one. We also rode Avatar and Fairly Odd Coaster. Then she started getting sentimental and begged Patrick to stay…


Got some good “guests say the darndest things” moments:

We rode ki&mvrr and sat behind a woman and two kids about 9 or 10. Here's what I remember:

shortly after the train ride started...

boy: We're leaving Kings Island!! (points to wwc) what's that mom?

mom: that's where the old raft ride used to be. they don't run it anymore

boy: where did all the water go?

mom: when it gets cold enough it evaporates

when passing the boomerang bay entrance...

mom: this is where they let you off to go to River Rapids

boy: Are those water slides?

mom: yep it's all water slides back there

boy: (pointing at Awesome Aussie Twister) look at the twisted one!

mom: that's Super Awesome twister

boy: Twist-UH, mom.. super awesome twista!

when arriving back at the station....

boy: Is this where we started?

mom: uh...um... this is where you'll get off

had some other good ones. While exiting Diamondback we heard a kid say "Diamondback almost ripped our faces off!"

While waiting in line for the fairly odd coaster...

girl: why is Son of Beast closed?

mom: someone died on it

(girl looks horrified)

mom: well it's not like they died by laying on the tracks or anything

throughout the day i also heard people refering to nick U as "kiddie land" i don't know how many times. I heard a lot of people planning illogical “next ride” decisions. For example: at Diamondback “next let’s go to flight deck” or at Flight of Fear “next let’s ride Diamondback”…. do these people actually walk back and forth all day instead of walking from ride to ride?

Waiting for The Beast at around 6:30 a guy said “yes! We get the red train! That’s the fastest one!” hahaha.. I don’t know if he was serious or just wanted to make it into a post. Either way it was funny.

Walking right into the FoF station midday was really nice. We skipped FH because the wait was longer than 10 minutes haha. I also got one last ride on Vortex and man it seems to get shakier every time I ride it. The final break about gave me whiplash. Not complaining though, it was totally worth it! We spread the DB rides out throughout the day. When the sun began to set we spent a couple hours riding back to back as it got darker and darker. The last ride, 35th of the season, was our first ever night ride on DB and it was AMAZING!! We also got night rides on The Beast and The Racer. That would be wicked if KI would open the park all night some time. An entire trip of nothing but night rides!

Leaving the park at the end of the night was bitter sweet. I was sad to think that it will be half a year before we get the chance to make some new KI memories. But I was glad I got the opportunity to visit the park on the last day of the season. I just became a KI fanatic in 2008. So 2009 has been a year to remember. We were there on opening day. We made a total of 8 trips - one 2 day trip, so 9 days spent at the park. We got 3 amazing rides on SoB, a ride I didn’t care for last year. But atleast I got to like it a few times while I still could. We took our two boys, 3 and 4, in June and I know they had a blast because they still talk about it all the time! We made a trip in July and we both had a cold, but were determined. We ended up leaving after a few hours and only rode 6 rides, we spent twice as long driving there and back as we did in the park hahaha. We spent a total of about 50 hours in drive time to and from KI. We spent around 80 hours in KI. Experienced attractions about 150 times (mostly rides, some shows and haunts). I don’t want to try to figure out how much money we spent lol. And we stayed until the last minute of the last day and saw the season out to the end, and it was by far the best trip all year!

Well thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store.


~Vortex Junkie & FriedOreoGirl

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