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The Return of Karakoke


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Hey everyone......with the post season starting this weekend and the closing of all of the summer shows (Vibe, Spellbound, Young Country, Pulse) We can look forward to a triumphant return of one of the parks most popular and the most requested show.....KARAOKE 2003. I know that I have heard nothing but complaints about the absence of Karaoke this summer, so I hope that everyone will enjoy the return of the show. Make sure to stop by the bandstand and watch as people try to make their way through (sometimes poorly, yet humorously) some of their favorite songs.

Edited by Shman
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I admit that the show being gone wasn't a good thing... people really enjoyed it! However, I really hope they stop by and at least check out the Karakoke stand that's across from the Age and Weight and behind Bubba Gumps. You know what I'm talking about, the "Make your own music video" stand! I think that's a great idea and people really enjoy stopping to watch other's videos (when they let Gary play them). More people really need to check that out... 20 dollars for a video isn't that bad and you can get up to 4 people in the booth and the video is yours, so you can copy it, digitize it or whatever. Maybe Gary should team up with PKI and give out a discount coupon for the singers in Karaokoe 2003?

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Karaoke is all good and fine, except that certain people shouldn't sing certain songs, when they are no good at it. Also, I think they should limit to playing the same Britney Spears song for someone different to sing, to once an hour, so we don't hear the same thing over and over again, as that stinks, and gives you a headache after a while.

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