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What`s next for Son of Beast?


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Son of Beast is closed until those in power are pleased by the experience it provides.

That being said, they have deemed the most recent operation displeasurable.

In order to make it pleasurable, then, they must change it.

Has it changed to improve the rider experience at all in the time that it's been sitting idle?

Why would a year of sitting untouched make it an acceptable experience in their eyes?

Also please understand: April 1st of every single year, people receive news that their loved ones have passed away; people become engaged to be married; people are told that their jobs are being downsized; businesses release pertinent information; stock prices rise and fall in response to stockholder activity; and announcements are made at amusement parks. In the real, adult, grown-up, professional world, something occurring on the first day of April does not automatically mean that it's a joke. And if it is, it is usually outrageous (did anyone see G-Mail Motion?) or it is identified quite quickly as a prank, and everything goes back to normal come April 2nd at the latest. This official packet from the park which is being used by educators and students to plan a very important day contains the official park map for the 2011 season. If it were released the day before or the day after, would you believe me? As if they paid an artist to create two maps - one with Son of Beast, and one without - releasing the latter in an official Math & Science Days packet, but only as an April Fool's Joke... That is just not how the real world works.

Besides, do you think Son of Beast is something Cedar Fair or Kings Island would joke about? A ride that has, in the eyes of the courts and the public, injured riders? A ride that has been closed for two years without being touched or spoken about? You think that they plan to surprise everyone (woohoo!) by reopening it on a whim without fixing the known issues that it has? Even moreso, you think that they'd joke about it?

Lord help us.

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Son of Beast is closed until those in power are pleased by the experience it provides.

That being said, they have deemed the most recent operation displeasurable.

In order to make it pleasurable, then, they must change it.

Has it changed to improve the rider experience at all in the time that it's been sitting idle?

Why would a year of sitting untouched make it an acceptable experience in their eyes?

Also please understand: April 1st of every single year, people receive news that their loved ones have passed away; people become engaged to be married; people are told that their jobs are being downsized; businesses release pertinent information; stock prices rise and fall in response to stockholder activity; and announcements are made at amusement parks. In the real, adult, grown-up, professional world, something occurring on the first day of April does not automatically mean that it's a joke. And if it is, it is usually outrageous (did anyone see G-Mail Motion?) or it is identified quite quickly as a prank, and everything goes back to normal come April 2nd at the latest. This official packet from the park which is being used by educators and students to plan a very important day contains the official park map for the 2011 season. If it were released the day before or the day after, would you believe me? As if they paid an artist to create two maps - one with Son of Beast, and one without - releasing the latter in an official Math & Science Days packet, but only as an April Fool's Joke... That is just not how the real world works.

Besides, do you think Son of Beast is something Cedar Fair or Kings Island would joke about? A ride that has, in the eyes of the courts and the public, injured riders? A ride that has been closed for two years without being touched or spoken about? You think that they plan to surprise everyone (woohoo!) by reopening it on a whim without fixing the known issues that it has? Even moreso, you think that they'd joke about it?

Lord help us.

ALOT of companys did April fools jokes that day...

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we will just wait and see whats going to happen next.

That, sir, is the best idea you've had yet. Son of Beast closed in Summer of 2009. It's Spring of 2011. By now, practically everyone, Son of Beast lovers and haters, have learned to move on and accept the fact that it's been pretty much dead for nearly two years now.

At this point, if Kings Island does anything with it, or even is nice enough to tell us about it beforehand, consider it a pleasant surprise.

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Please name all companies that played jokes that day that didn't make doubly sure any misinformation was cleared up by the next day.

Son of Beast is not on the park map.

Get used to it....

a company doesn't have to stop just because April fools is over.

They do when they sent out information for educators to plan math and science days. There was no April Fool's joke in that material.

Talk about willing suspension of disbelief.

Stop trying to pretend things are the way you want them in your fantasies. Real life doesn't work that way.

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Please name all companies that played jokes that day that didn't make doubly sure any misinformation was cleared up by the next day.

Son of Beast is not on the park map.

Get used to it....

a company doesn't have to stop just because April fools is over.

You are so beyond logical thought at this point on this subject, I can't even begin to fathom it. It's not even as they posted a link to the map on their Twitter or official page and said "Look everyone! Here's the map! Looks like another year without Son of Beast, huh?" just so that they could later go "SURPRISE. HERE'S A SECOND MAP THAT ACTUALLY HAS IT ON IT HAHAHHAHA."


We found the map. Someone here was looking through the new Math and Science book and noticed it.

Kings Island didn't advertise it or intend to point it out. It was found.

And guess what... April Fools jokes do end when April Fools is over. What companies do you know that are continuing them to this, the 10th of April? What about misleading shareholders? What about false advertisement? What about insurance policies? And besides, this isn't even a joke... It's not as if people are like "Awe man Son of Beast isn't open hahaha good one Kings Island." No. No one cares. The ride hasn't been worked on, and thus will not be open in the 2011 season. It's not a joke. It's not funny. No one's laughing, least of all Mr. Scheid and Mr. Kinzel, whose jobs will rely on their answering the same question you keep asking: "When is a decision going to be made?"

Son of Beast will not be open come April 30th. I promise you, my friend. I really, truly promise you. Every single person here can see that. People who have been on this site and followed the industry for decades are telling you that you need to accept it. Your dedication to the ride is very commendable, and I wish we could all have such passion in the face of adversity. But my God... It's not gonna happen this year, okay? I don't know how we can get it across to you. You're coming across as delusional, and we're trying to be nice. It's not on the site. It's not on the map. It's been said that it won't open until the president is pleased by the experience it provides, and nothing has been done to the ride to make it any better than it was when it closed in 2009.

It will not be open April 30th.

This isn't a joke or a prank or a riddle that can be solved. If the wonderful folks at Kings Island wanted to play a joke, they wouldn't use a ride whose fate was being settled in court or one that had injured people. It's not a joke. Not to the people who were hurt by it. Not to the people whose jobs rely on finding an answer to it. Not to anyone here who has accepted that it is going to be closed this summer.

GYK, who is now looking forward to the "Real" map to be posted on the website so that this can be over... And yet, in his heart, he knows that even that won't stop this dead horse from being beaten.

P.S. Can anyone else appreciate the scenario in which Mr. Kinzel's advisors run past him the idea that their multi-week April Fool's prank to Kings Island enthusiasts is going to be not having Son of Beast on the map? If they wanted to prank us, they should've put it on the map! Now that would've left us speechless. But the idea that they're pulling off a prank that no one knows is a prank? That isn't even fun... It's so beyond imagination that this is still being discussed.

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^ There's no reasoning with you, is there? Son of Beast is closed and quite frankly the way I see it, there is a better chance that it will never reopen than there is of it reopening someday. There's no point in arguing with you because you just completely disregard everyone's logical responses with posts more ridiculous than your last. Son of Beast is closed and will be for the 2011 season. Get over it.

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2 weeks ago someone said something about SOB on Twitter and KI said we will let EVERYONE know when we have came to a desion.

But then you think after they said that they'd play an April Fool's Day joke?

Sigh...Son of Beast, no matter what happens, will be a material substantial expense for the company, and could affect the company's financial future. As such, the details would have to be publicly fully disclosed. And not by the surreptitious release of a park map, either....

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let me enjoy what hope i have in peace.

Right. If you'd like to continue believing these things, then fine. Enjoy the few days you have left before the "real" map is released. And once it is, you can begin thinking that they're going to work on the ride to have it ready for daily operation. And when that doesn't happen, you can begin to think that they're going to have a special re-opening celebration for Halloween Haunt. We know this will never end.

Just realize that there is opposition here to your hopes. If you broadcast them, they will be shot down by people here who are trying to be much more logical, realistic, adult, and smart about this. It is not simply a roller coaster. It is not as easy as hitting a switch and re-opening it. What of guest comfort? Safety? Maintenance? Insurance? Corporate decision-making? Expenses (of either removal or renovation)? Budgeting? Like every ride that has ever injured a guest, there is miles upon miles of information that must be considered. It would take months and months (or apparently, years and years) to muddle through the decisions that must be made concerning this ride one way or another. It is clear enough to everyone here that those decisions have again been put off (or have been made, but not acted on due to the reasons listed above) for the 2011 season.

Basically, if it hasn't been visibly overhauled, it isn't reopening.

And it hasn't been overhauled.

Because many of us here have the ability to see that bigger picture, we find your claims that this is all a joke or prank to be absolutely positively outrageous. And I, for one, can't understand how you continue to be so oblivious to the facts. But I'm just putting it out there: Because so many of us are looking at this in a big-picture way and understand that the ride will not be open April 30th, your input seems childish, uninformed, and narrow-minded. So if you post it, we will rebuke it. That's the long and short of it, and I'm sorry that it's that way, but I know that information is what we're here to share with one another, and you come across as misinformed. I'm sure I come across as misinformed a lot, too, and I appreciate those who give me actual information to help me make better decisions next time to improve the dialogue we all share. You, however, seem very closed off and will not accept the knowledge being offered to you by the many, many intelligent people here who are telling you to (and I quote) "stop trying to pretend things are the way you want them in your fantasies."

Face the facts, or continue to rebuke them. But you'll see. We're just trying to make it easier on you by adding in some adult reasoning skills, but you are uninterested.

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You can also believe you will become a pro football player in the NFL. Without the necessary talent and luck, it won't happen. There is simply no credible evidence for a Son of Beast opening the last Saturday in April, 2011...regardless of what you might believe.

i have been told many times you cant base something off of a park map.

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this ride is not as bad as made out to be and the only HUGE problem was in 2006. if they didnt like the ride why was it open the next year mid season?

Oh really. Then, why is it closed now, as it was in 2010 and most of 2009?

Terp, who likes to ask questions (some of which he knows the answers to, some of which not...)

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this ride is not as bad as made out to be and the only HUGE problem was in 2006. if they didnt like the ride why was it open the next year mid season?

Oh really. Then, why is it closed now, as it was in 2010 and most of 2009?

Terp, who likes to ask questions (some of which he knows the answers to, some of which not...)

because this is a ride they dont value MUCH of the public's opinion.

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Gee, I wonder why. Parks are in business to operate at a profit...not to necessarily win public opinion.

The park business is, first and foremost, a business. And public safety is paramount.

to make good profit they need to value the public's opinion. they changed nearly everything else that the public whats.

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