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More warm weather is expected


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As we all see, it has gotten pretty warm in the Tri-state. As the construction rolls along we have seen major work emerge from Boomerang Bay. As PKIU has posted the pics as we see it, the work maybe done ahead of schedule.

The countdown of PKI opening looms above our heads. ph34r.gif

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It'll be interesting how things proceed, with the weather and all. I have heard that they're (whoever they are...) calling for some snow showers next week. I doubt the temperature is going to be that low for a long time, but like always the weather in Ohio never stays the same...

"The temperatures this year were crazy...it was like 20, 80, 30, 50! It's like weather by zipple, it was effing wierd!! Even the weathermen are goin' 'I DON'T EFFING KNOW....' (ffffbbbbbbbbbb.....) 'LET'S JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS...'"

-Robin Williams, Live On Broadway on the weather

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Yeah, this is what Ohio weather does to you. One day it could be freezing cold, the next day it could be freakin 70 degrees! But in the case of construction, this is a good thing. I doubt that we'll be getting anymore snow though.. lol. We should be rolling along quite nicely.

"The flowers were like Anne Hesche going 'I'm out! I'm in! I'm out!' "-Robin Williams


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Yep, the weather can only help the construction. As a matter of fact, I just saw some construction pictures on PKI-Central, taken yesterday, leap day. The pictures show Tasmanian Typhoon which has almost all of its tunnel sections in place. The only section that remain to be placed are located by the loading platform. It is looking really nice! The park opens for a season pass preview in about a month, on April 2 and 3. This warm weather makes me wish the park had been open this past weekend! I`m sure this month will fly by and the park will be open soon! (I wonder if there will be any announcements from the park between now and then?)

Cincinnati weather has been crazy this year. It is supposed to get up to 66 on Thursday!

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It may be warm... but there is still a ton to do. The new kids play area/slides hasn't even started going vertical.. heck I haven't even seen the bucket on property yet. The Kookaberry??? Bay thingy is still just a hole in the ground. Building maintence still has to be done. All of the water pumping and piping for the new rides needs to be done. Just because the slides got put up quickly doesn't mean everything is almost done.

We will have pics up soon taken at different points over the weekend while Taz Typhoon was being completed. Aaron had been away and having troubles with the boards, so he didn't have much time.

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I realize that there still has to be a lot of infrastructure work done in BB. As you stated the children`s area, Jackeroo Landing, has yet to really go vertical. Also, I have yet to hear anything about Kookabura Bay, the lagoon type pool that will be built in front of Jackeroo Landing. So far, the improvements look excellent. This warm weather just makes me wish the park was open! Only about a month to go!

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