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Would Friday Night (8/5/11) be crowded?


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Thanks for the input. It was a beautiful night. I wish I could say how long the ride lines, were, they were supposed to be about thirty minutes, but we kept getting called up to the front to fill empty seats.

There were Fastlane users in only 3 of the rides I was in line for, The Racer, Db, and Stuntcar. The lines in all the rides are more ordered now. You are at the front before you know it.

Flight of Fear was down.

The Beast was so fast tonight, that people were yelling "It's so fast" as we rode. I was on the left side seat, and making the first turn before the second lift, slammed hard into the side of the car.

On the lift, I'm like, okay, not broken, I know what a broken rib feels like, and this ain't it, but when I hit, I could feel it across my chest.

I shan't be lifting any grand pianos for a few days, Martha.

Made off better than the woman behind me, who was ashen when the ride stopped. She hadn't ridden in 20 years.

A lot of groups there, a lot of families, but not crowded. While having a smoke in Rivertown, I saw three litter gitters go by, so at least that explains how clean the park is.

I'm seeing the park looking great, and the cashiers seem genuinely nice. The ride attendants and operators are very good natured.

Last ride of the night, at 10:30, we rode AE. We were the only adults on the ride. I said to the kids in front of me, "There better be some Tiki dancing from you!" I was surprised that on the tiki hill, they actually complied and tiki'ed.

The WindSeeker is tempting me, and the lights on it look beautiful.

I was happy to get some time in the park.

(Love the Archer music on Backlot.)

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