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Wait, wait, wait. If Cedar Fair gots it's debt from getting the Paramount Parks...why did they do it? Was it as simple as: Hey lets take the competition out, or did they think after a few years they'd be able to make twice or three times as much money as they did with just having Cedar Point...?

EDIT: Oh and to answer the question, I think the better investing option is the Comp. that has the most ability to grow. However, that is kinda hard to decide at this point isn't it? I mean sure CF is in mass amounts of debt, but don't they own twice as many parks as SIX? (If not than my next point is mute) so can't we assume that after a while CF should be able to earn back their profits? Perhaps not, I really don't know how much debt they are in, versus how much money they take back in...

So I am not sure. I'd say the best Investment is a long term investment...so invest in both and see what happnes haha

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Wait, wait, wait. If Cedar Fair gots it's debt from getting the Paramount Parks...why did they do it?

(As apparently as it played out) Mr. Kinzel has had his eyes on Kings Island since it's inception. Cedar Fair (Kinzel) had always viewed Kings Island as a beautiful, well-maintained, and high potential property. When the announcement arrose that CBS corporation was selling its Paramount Parks division, Cedar Fair (again, Kinzel) jumped to the opportunity. In my opinion, I'd compare it to almost like getting the car that you have always wanted. However (also apparently), despite Cedar Fair's primary interest in Kings Island, CBS wanted an "all or none" where each park should be purchased by the same company. It was with consideration that Cedar Fair bought the entire chain for staggering amount of money. Despite the board originally thinking that each of the parks would pay for the aquisition in due time, and also trememdously increase the capital income for the company, hard times hit with the economy, and Cedar Fair has struggled with there one and a half billion dollars of debt. So far, things are looking up for Cedar Fair. I have faith that the new CEO will not only improve the park experiences greatly, but also work at the same time to widdle down the mountain of debt.

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You know as soon as I saw the Kinzel bit, I remembered that KI was the only real park they wanted...Thank you for jarring my memory!

No problem, I'm just waiting for the day when we tell people that KI was at one point owned by a movie studio company, we recieve blank stares in return. :P

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