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TR, photos possible. 10/8/2011 Fast Lane Saves The Day

Ki Man

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Pretty impressed with Kings Island this year, refused to buy a pass and decided to get the Fast Lane and go on a Saturday. Operations were great, and the whole park looked really nice quite honestly. The whole cemetery theme in the front of the park was rediculously stupid, though; the headstones blocked and clogged traffic terribly. If there was one stroller infront of you, you literally had to stop and wait. Stupid.

-Beast gave a great ride a night.

-WindSeeker looks fantastic and is a nice addition; the ride cycle was nicely timed and it was a fun ride. Wouldn't wait for it though. One and done.

-Fast Lane is totally worth the money. Skipped 90 minutes lines all Saturday.

-Flight of Fear put a bunch of laser lights and stuff in the tunnel...simple but awesome! It's getting rough, though.

-Diamondback hauling A$$, seriously was awesome. At night all the fog fills in the bottoms of the drops; so much fun! Dare I say...it was better than Raging Bull and Goliath? Ehhh debatable. If they could combine Diamondback's first half and Goliath's second half, darn. That'd be incredible.

-Whole park completely decorated for Haunt, put other Six Flags and CF parks to shame in my opinion.

-Stunt Track has....new effects in the helicopter scene?! Awesome!

But yeah on a Saturday where all parking was filled up, and over flowing out of Boomerang Bay parking, the only line the Fast Lane had us wait for was Firehawk. And they were running FL line to one station and the other line to the other station; 30 minutes for Fast Lane. Oh by the way Firehawk is a complete CRAP ride, and even worse operations. Seriously, screw that ride.

I actually had a great time, and I'm glad I didn't buy a pass. I won't buy a pass next year; and will probably just go once again in October. Only need one visit, honestly; didn't need to ride Face Off, Racer, Top Gun, Vortex, Delirium.

By the way, went through Holiday Horror; not too bad. It was a conga line style, whatever. Tombstone was terrible. Those were the two haunts I did.

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The more i think about it i figure ill have to get a Fast Pass for this coming saturday. But I did purchas a season pass I figured with a free visit this year and if i go for a weekend to the haunt next year i spent my 70 bucks pretty well. Now my last visit in July i think I bruised a rib on Flight of Fear but its always a great ride to its one im looking forward to. Now i do agree with you ive never been impressed with Firehawk. Not a big fan of Face-Off eighter im my opion those two are a waste of space. But I have to disagree with ya on The Vortex thats always a ride I look forward to riding especially since it was broke down during my last trip. I my opinion it would be nice to have The Vortex as a part of the Fast Pass. Ive never been to a haunt so Im looking forward to the fog, especially on The Beast at night. To be able to skip lines on Diamondbacks gonna be pretty sweet. I am hoping for cooler weather so i can save 40 bucks> But thanks for the insight im looking forward to this weekend. KI is always a good time.

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Diamondback is a must at night after all the fog is going for a while. It really makes every drop a tunnel! So much fun. And yes, Saturdays...you NEED the fast pass. You'll still only wait like 2-15 minutes at the most, unless you're going for Firehawk. And Haunt passes are only 20 bucks for fast passes...and every line was like 30-90 minutes, so I'd reccomend that too.

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I was there as well, the park was ridiculously packed, even during the day. I wish we had fast possess but had a great time without them. I got in all the rides I wanted just wish I could have done more haunts. We did Mysteria and tombstone. Also nightmare ally which I loved.

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I did read your trip report the first day you posted it...but since you hinted that photos might be coming I thought I would wait to comment on it...and then just lost track of it. Anyway, I just want to say thanks for taking the time to post this! (And after over 350 views and only 2 replies I don't blame you for not bothering posting any photos...which is a shame knowing what great photos that you take. :( )

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Standbyme, just check out my Facebook. I thought I'd put up some photos but I haven't even resized them yet. Don't expect to see them posted on here for a couple days or so...sorry I just never post here anymore and it's too much time. haha

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Well went on the 15th and my goal was not to get a fast pass. We got our season pass taken care of and got in the park early and we only made it until about 11:20 before we broke down and got a Fast Lane pass we started on Diamond back rode it 3 times then rode The Beast twice The Vortex twice and make our way to FoF and the wait was already of 45 miniets so we ended up getting the pass. We took our time rode about 22 rides and did 3 haunts and the nice thing was we took our time Ride totals were

Diamondback 8

Beast 5

Vortex 2

FoF 1

Delerium 1

Viking Ship1

Adventure Express 1

Firehawk 1

Flight Deck 1

Boo Blaster 1

and we left at 11pm

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