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Favorite Night Ride


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Am I the only one who actually prefers daytime rides over night rides on The Beast? I might be. At night, The Beast actually feels slower to me than it does during the day. I'm guessing that's because when it's light out, you can actually see things flying by you (or rather, that you're flying past), which gives you a good sensation of speed. At night, it's so hard to make out what's around you (if you can even make it out at all) that the sensation of speed just isn't there for me.

On a hot summer night, I love White Water Canyon. After dark, it's a walk-on, and there's practically no lights back there, so the splashes catch you by surprise. If it's hot out, WWC is IMO the best night ride in the park.

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Beast is much better at night. As the day goes by, Beast warms up and I think it is fastest at night. The speed flying by the trees and the overall darkness make it an amazing experience for the senses. Beast is a great ride, but it gets much better at night if you ask me. If they had fog machines on the ride at night, it would make it the most disorienting ride at Haunt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a cross between AE and The Beast. I love the quick turning at night, when I can't see the track of AE, but when the moon is out, and you are on the crest of the second lift of The Beast, you can look over the park for a second, and see all the lights.

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