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Enthusiast/Industry Websites

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Based on the Online Enthusiast Morality article/discussion generated by the thread Terpy started about GL yesterday, I wondered:

- What Industry/Enthusiast sites do you enjoy (visit, trust, use) online - what do you feel makes them good?

- What Industry/Enthusiast sites do you avoid (mistrust) - what is your biggest complaint?

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As you may have figured out, I read darn near everything I can (except FaceBook for a multitude of reasons). I always consider the source when evaluating information.

It's much easier to find information than decades ago, but the reliability of much of it is lower than in days of yore.

Something they taught us in Research Methods was: Consider the Source. I read anything and everything (this goes for my job and my hobbies), but the big thing to remember is who is financing the company who is providing the information. The basic facts of the story will remain the same but the details and "sway" words will be different based on the motive behind the company.

For example, who would give a fair evaluation of a new Disney ride? NBC or ABC? Neither since they both have stakes in the company for different reasons.....

But overall, a forum website such as KIC or KIE can be a great place for information, but ultimately the source of the information comes from people who have some sort of vested interest in the parks (either good or bad), and if they didnt have interest, they would not be on here...

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I dont know why but I love the merely merrily combo.. such alliteration....

But even if its just to stir the pot, its a vested interest to just upset people who enjoy the park possibly?

merely merrily mashing the massive metal container...

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I like PointBuzz. I have been over there for a while and I think there are a lot of smart people over there who know what they are talking about. There is a lot more arguing and "I'm right, your opinion doesn't matter" on PointBuzz than there is here, but I don't mind that. It is entertaining to watch people get all worked up over something that really doesn't matter.

I go to Screamscape just for construction updates. I read the rumors, but don't trust them. I read them more for a laugh.

Newsplusnotes is a good one too. A lot of construction updates and behind the scenes stuff.

Finally, I visited CWmania for the whole off season. I never made an account, but I followed all of the Leviathan hooplaa. That is how I started here, when Diamondback was just becoming a thought.

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Over at pointbuzz, you will find RideMan to be very bright, insightful and to love Cedar Point. The gentleman is among the brightest people I know. I've known him for many years. For someone who isn't in the industry, he understands rides and how they work better than many who are. Jeff does a very good job running that site, which has changed considerably over the years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anybody else from here used to be on coasterfanatics.com? I see some people have the coaster counter in their signature. That was my first fan site I ever participated in. Tonight I went back on that site for the first time since only God knows how long. It is kinda depressing to see it all abandoned and filled with spam.

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The only reason I've ever been on there is to get the coaster counter. There was actually a few days I think last fall where the coaster counters weren't showing up because the domain registration expired. At least they renewed it, but the list still isn't getting updated (at last check, it still had the pre-Snoopy names for KI's kiddie rides). I may soon begin looking for a new counter to use in my signature.

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I lurk Pointbuzz regularly and have an account but never use it. I enjoy the history and passion for the park that some of the posters offer and became a 'fan' of RideMan's insight about the 2nd or 3rd time I visited. Coasterbuzz is nice for info but the forums are not nearly as active as KIC and Pointbuzz and that's what I usually go to sites for. Screamscape is fun but usually does't have much content that interests me. I followed i305 construction pretty closely on KD fan site and somewhat Leviathon's on CWmania but haven't really been back to either.

I have learned something through all this. KIC is truly a special place with many genuine people who make good friends and have amazing insights into much more than just amusement parks. Thanks for posting!

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