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What if The Bat had been successful?


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This is an interesting question to me that I don't think many people discuss on this forum. But it poses interesting scenarios. If The Bat had been successful, I think it is safe to say we never would have gotten Top Gun/Flight Deck. It can also be somewhat safely assumed that we would not have gotten Vortex either (maybe another Arrow Megalooper, but not Vortex as we know it today). Furthermore, what about outside of KI? Do you think Arrow suspended coasters would be more prevalent than they are now? These things considered, I'm actually somewhat glad that it failed. Bat's failure gave me two of my top three favorite roller coasters in Ohio. What do you guys think about the subject?

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Might we have this same conversation in 20 years about Son of Beast? Might there be kids as yet unborn saying they're glad it failed b/c it eventually lead to 2 of their favorite coasters in Ohio?

All threads eventually lead back to Son of Beast

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Ffej was right. I was implying that the park would not likely have built a second Arrow suspended coaster. I wonder if Vortex could fit where Flight Deck is now. This calls for aerial photos and some photoshop. I'll have to look into that later.

Then again, a park can have two of the same type of coaster and it be popular. CW built a B&M hyper in 2008, and then built what is essentially a taller version of the B&M hyper just this year (Can you tell I'm not a fan of B&M hypers and gigas?). And of course, many parks have two or more woodies, but I think every woodie is a little different, even when the layout is similar. Though it would make no sense to put them in the same park, I could tell stark differences in the ride experience between Racer and Thunder Road when I went to Carowinds and those rides seem at first glance to be near-identical.

Oh, and in response to Medford about having the same conversation in 20 years, I do think that's very possible. But I can think of one key difference that may or may not play a role. A lot more people got to ride Son of Beast than got to ride The Bat, and a lot more information about its stats, it's layout, etc, exist on the internet. To people who weren't alive for The Bat, it seems to be shrouded in mystery. Compared to any other roller coaster in KI's history, I think less is known today about The Bat than any other defunct roller coaster, except perhaps the Bavarian Beetle, but I've always assumed it was your basic Galaxi Spiral and had a similar layout to Python at Coney. There isn't a wealth of info out there about the Ghoster Coaster either, but I think at very least most users of these forums were alive before its removal.

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  On 6/20/2012 at 10:05 AM, The Interpreter said:

Flight Deck IS am improved version of Bat, which was a prototype.

Beat me to it, I was going to say this. I think it would've been cool to still have The Bat around, but we wouldn't have Top Gun, which to me is a classic (I'm not calling it by its new name, I refuse. haha)

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  On 6/20/2012 at 12:28 PM, Thrill_Biscuit said:

Perhaps The Vortex would have been constructed in another section of the park...

I feel like I've read on this site that Vortex was built by Arrow as kind of a 'sorry for messing up so bad on The Bat.' If that is true, then it would be weird seeing how the park built up over the years without two of its current major thrill rides (Flight Deck and Vortex).

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To answer my own question, Yes, it looks as if Vortex could have fit quite nicely where Top Gun is now. Granted, I'm not sure about terrain in that area, and the queue would also be different. The queue would have to almost merge with SoB's exit (granted, SoB's entrance merges with Top Gun's exit already, so not much would need to change.

The amount of Zoom was the same in both screenshots. No way to prove it, you'll just have to believe me.


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