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2012 KIC Day TR (8-4-12)


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Yes I know the TR is really, really, really late but I have been backed up at work so I finally have been able to write a quick one up.

The day started with my fiancé (Jessi) and I leaving Indianapolis around 8am. We stopped to get breakfast but the restaurant was a bit slow so we ended up getting off schedule. We arrived in the parking lot at 10:20. We met up with everyone (ohiocolts, dudecoasterman, jcgoble3, original, pkiboy, and others) waiting for the whole of our group to come up. Jessi and I arrived after most people had their fast lanes purchased so we grouped with a couple of other people to get the FL discount at the booth.

After we purchased our FL passes the group headed towards DT for the first group ride of the day. It was about a 3 cycle wait (which probably was the longest wait of the day) for our turn. DT is one of the two rides at KI I still get nervous for( WS is the other one… Yes I said WS…). After the ride the group headed towards AE. This is where I actually felt bad using the FL pass. The majority of people waiting in line for this ride were kids. I heard someone say “but mom why do they get to skip the line?” Their mom had to explain that it was a perk of the park and they got to cut because they paid more money than they did. I’m not trying to start anything but that is what I heard and me being a nicer guy I really didn’t like what I was doing. But we hopped on the ride. Rode it once and went on throughout the park.

We hit Racer and FOF next both enjoyable rides. Next was our wait for Firehawk. FH was a nice ride as we (Jessi and I) haven’t been able to ride it often this year. It was a fun ride nothing spectacular but it was satisfying.

After this the group decided to go ride WindSeeker. Jessi and I ended up skipping out on that and went to eat at Skyline near the entrance of the park. While we were cooling off. The main group ended up catching up with us at Skyline. We waited for the group to order their food and hung out and talked over our food. The main group sort of split up after we were done with our meals. The people that joined us were Alek, aka dudecoasterman, his mother, and Lucas, aka ohiocolts.

We headed to Eiffel Tower. The queue line was packed but we had the FL so we got in on the first elevator. We headed up and stayed for about 5-8 minutes. We got some good views of the park. The wind was blowing rather hard up high and you could feel the tower sway a bit. It was a nice breeze to cool off though. After ET we headed towards The Beast. We waited about 10 minutes to hop on The Beast. We decided to start using our FL a bit so we rode again as soon as we got off. Next we went to Diamondback. Alek, Alek’s mom, Lucas, Jessi, and I decided to marathon Diamondback. Jessi and I rode 7 times in a row. Alek and Lucas rode maybe 6 times and headed off before we were done. So the group split again and it was just Jessi and I for a while. Since I left my phone in the car I couldn’t call the group to get a location. So we banked on running into someone during the day.

After that, most of the day was a blur (seeing as I am writing this exactly 2 weeks later).

Jessi and I rode Vortex, Firehawk, Boo Blasters (which I got a good gun and scored 2340 point during our ride), we ate dinner, took a break, and watched Ed Alonzo’s magic show.

This was the first time I watched the show and I was surprised. It was a pretty funny show. The tricks were very entertaining and the child helper section of the show was awesome as well. The only complaint that I do have is that I would have to agree with some of the other reviewers that said the dancers were a bit skanky. I don’t think the actual dancing was suggestive but the fact that the girls came out dressed in cop outfits some with their cleavage showing and all of them with short shorts on. I don’t have kids and I am 25 but I still think their dress was a bit too much for a “family” show. Like I said I thought the dancing itself was appropriate.

After we left the show, Original tapped me on the shoulder as we walked towards the Action Zone. We walked and talked for a bit and ended up running up to Invertigo together. We talked a bit and she mentioned that she rode the ride earlier that day and her younger "half brother" (in quotes because I don't know if he is truly her half brother) Andrew had not been on it. So we made it a point to sit facing each other so we could see Andrew’s reaction to the ride. Going up the lift hill you could tell Andrew was a bit scared but as so as the ride let go and we made it through our first run he and Original were both having a blast. The return run was great and as the ride was over we parted ways.

Jessi and I headed for DT and the FD stopped for a snack and a break. We made our final ride run starting front to back, hitting FD, AE, FH, FOF, Vortex, BLSC, DB, and saving the final ride for The Beast. We ended up leaving the park around 1130pm. Headed back to our hotel and slept getting ready to go to the Cincinnati Reds game during the next day.


I hate to say it but FL is worth every penny. On one of the busiest Saturdays of the year, Jessi and I managed to get in 32 rides with the inclusion of a total of, not riding our first ride until around 11 am, 3 hours of break/eating time, and another 45-55 minutes for the Ed Alonzo show. Wait times ranged from 12 minutes to a walk on, with the average probably being a one to two train wait.

It was absolutely great meeting everyone at the park. Alek and Lucas you guys are awesome. We had a great time hanging with you both for the little bit we did during the middle of the day. Again it will be great to meet up with everyone again if we have something during the Haunt.

Ride Count:

DB: 10 FH:3 FOF: 3 DT: 3 Beast: 3 Vortex: 2 AE: 2 Inv: 2 Racer: 1 FD:1 BLSC: 1 BB: 1

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When we came out I saw joncars05 with his freind. I ran up and tapped him on the sholder. He turned around, and with a surprised look he said "Hi!". I said "You splited up with the group too?" He laughed. "Yeah, we have been bumping into them time to time though". I said "Oh. I havent seen them since this morning because my phone died and I have no way of contacting them". He laughed and said "Thats funny." We said some other stuff then he headed over to Invertigo. Andrew had been nagging me still on riding FOF with him and I said " I'll ride my first ride on FOF with you, if you ride your first ride on Invertigo with me" he said ok, and me and him went over and there was joncars05. He said "Hello again!" I said hello back. He asked me If I had rode this yet and I told him once earlier this morning and this was andrews first time. He said "You'll love it". He turnedx around and the lady asked him how many, he aid 4 which I didnt expect him to say, but was nice. We got on face to face with him and me and andrew went up backwards up the hill while they were going forwards up the hill. Our Me and Andrews chets pressed against the resistaints and Andrew kept saying "ooohhh crrrappp" a bunch of times. joncars05 said relax this is the worst part of the ride right here. We laughed. Then Joncars05 said "click" and we all laughed are way down and around. On the second hill we all said "click" together and laughed our way back. Andrew loved it.

After we left the show, Original tapped me on the shoulder as we walked towards the Action Zone. We walked and talked for a bit and ended up running up to Invertigo together. We talked a bit and she mentioned that she rode the ride earlier that day and her younger "half brother" (in quotes because I don't know if he is truly her half brother) Andrew had not been on it. So we made it a point to sit facing each other so we could see Andrew’s reaction to the ride. Going up the lift hill you could tell Andrew was a bit scared but as so as the ride let go and we made it through our first run he and Original were both having a blast. The return run was great and as the ride was over we parted ways.

This has got to be my favorite part of the day :D . It was fun meeting you.

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