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New for 2004(Let's Guess)

Darren Mullins

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How do these people (Aaron and staff) know any of the rumors are true? Do they work for ride planning/development for PKI? So, just because they run a site dedicated to PKI does not mean that they are the absolute authority on anything and everything that has happened or will happen at PKI. Plus, people just plain like to speculate, offer opinions and even debating the happenings of their favorite park(s). Take away that, and there's not much use for posting to these forums. They would become strictly read only.

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Guest Designerbuilder

How does the staff know we will get a wet huss ride. First off I don't think they know anymore then we do because the only peeps who know for sure are peeps who either work there and heard stuff or peeps who own it. Aaron and staff are neither so its either they have psychic powers or they are just guessing. Oh and Bodda its Banc of America not Bank of America. And who said we didn't ask another bank we are currently waiting for a response from World Banc. Sry for my previous statements. Two nights ago I drank beer for the first time and got really drunk on it. The day after that I got drunk again. I apoligize for my statements yesterday and the day before. I swore off the stuff.

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How do these people (Aaron and staff) know any of the rumors are true? Do they work for ride planning/development for PKI? So, just because they run a site dedicated to PKI does not mean that they are the absolute authority on anything and everything that has happened or will happen at PKI.

Of course we're not the authority on anything and everything at PKI, but just because I don't work at the park doesn't mean I don't know anything. Little birdies in the sky tell me secrets about future additions and so on.

PS - I can't stress enough how you should not get your hopes up for a coaster in 2004... a few birdies have been telling me things.

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When your nice to people they tell you things. They let us know and then we drop hints and its good for the park cause it spurs intrest. Aarons birdy is a different birdy than mine but its the same info.

I can tell you this a coaster is not comming next year. The park WILL be doing more to make the experence different and fun.

If you don't like it start your own site.

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I think your birdie a phony playing tricks on you.

First off, you might want to use English people can understand before you try and correct me. Second, my birdy isn't playing tricks on me, you are just getting your hopes up for something that isn't going to happen. If you really think there will be a coaster next year, why haven't we seen any construction or land clearings yet this year?

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Birdy was relable with 2002 and 2003's attaractions. It takes a Very long time to put in footers for a coaster. Birdy told me the fate of king cobra in November 2001. With the cincinnati winters they usually get a early jump when building a coaster. In other words they would of said somthing already. But When you have extra time on your hands you tend to not tell the public. My birdy has been at the park for quite a long time and is confortable enough to trust me. Thats how I know.

You make friends you get places.

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Guest Designerbuilder

Its stupid because if they want customers they are going to have to attend to the Thrillseekers just as well as they attend to the family's. There is a urgent matter. The fact that they need a new coaster. Ohh and i didn't know Cedar Point was building Top thrill dragster until they annonced it this year. They didn't start building the coaster in summer either. So we might get a coaster im not letting that hope go. I have a very reliable birdie to but im not gonna call him birdie more like honest possum. He let me know what was coming this year the year before and the year before that. And he said we would get a coaster. SO my honest possum might be more reliable then your Blue footed boobie. haha thats a real bird by the way.

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Not hard to build a a coaster that short so quick. You may say they need a new coaster. Public wants somthing else. They have done some considerable market research to find out what the public wants. Most people are happy with the coasters and LOVE the new rides that have been put in. Delirium is a HUGE hit and so is Scooby. Even with all of Tomb Raiders problems its a hit with the public as well. Vortex is almost 20 years old and its still a crowd pleaser. It never has a line cause its a people move. The rethemed Log flume and Vekoma junor invert was a huge hit. When water works was redone the last time with the addition of wipeout beach and such it was a HUGE hit that drew alot of people in the park. They know what the public wants and here its not a new coaster.

Oh and some footers were in place for TTD by this time last year.

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Guest Designerbuilder

Are you reading the wrong poll. PKi sent out a poll and 90 percent wanted a new steel coaster. the chocies where.

1.Steel Coaster

2.Wooden Coaster

3. Giant huss ride

4.Waterworks expansion

5.More kiddie rides

6.family coaster.

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