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What about a screaming squirrel family coaster?

PKI Homey

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If you check out screamscape and look into the features section, they have a new take on a wild mouse coaster. It appears that your train is going to go off of the edge of the track, but, inetead, you go upside down momentarily, just to do it all over again about three times. They have a workin model and video on the features link . Looks like a pretty cool ride to me. I love the scream machines that are tall and fast, but I also like the slower ones like The Racers, or Adventure Express or even Runaway Reptar.

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This is the video of the Screaming Squirrel coaster in action. Personally, I don't think it looks very exciting. As the car goes over the "edges", there is so much braking that it looks like it ruins the ride. And the capacity of this ride looks terrible. I would rather PKI install a regular Wild Mouse coaster.

Also, I don't know how strong Paramount's relationship is with S&S. I know they installed Hypersonic at PKD but that seems to be it. While almost every park has the S&S Tower rides, Paramount has always gone with the Intamin versions (which I think is better). Did (or does) Hypersonic have problems?

I think S&S rides look terrible. They stand out like "sore thumbs" in parks and look like they are made of a lesser quality than the rest of the rides.

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Did (or does) Hypersonic have problems?

OH YEAH, It definetly had its problems, still has a few. When it first opened, they never knew if it would make it over the top. Most of the time it didn't. I don't know exactly what their problems were that caused that. I do know however that the train had some sort of redesign after the first season or so.

As far as I know, that is the only S&S ride in any Paramount park. Personally, I don't really want any. His (Stan Checkets sp?) Thurst Air coasters (the Hypersonic kind) have pneumatic tires, like a car, rather than the solid eurathane wheels on a normal coaster. It causes the train to vibrate as the g-forces push down on the train. The air filled tired tends to shrink (in diameter) as it absorbs the "shock" and springs back. The launch towers are pretty decent in the fact of what he has been able to do with them, the double launch (thrust up then thrust down), which is much more than a normal Drop Tower can do. I just don't like the small cars as compared to the now huge Intamin rings.

On the Screaming Squirrel coaster, the idea is there, not the presentation. Give me a ride that maybe does more, looks like it is not built from an erector set, and can really move some people, then maybe I'd give Stan a chance on his rides.

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... I don't think it looks very exciting. As the car goes over the "edges", there is so much braking that it looks like it ruins the ride. And the capacity of this ride looks terrible. I would rather PKI install a regular Wild Mouse coaster.

I am in support of this. I think it just looks like something awful. It looks like giant chunk of steel that is mysteriously sticking out of the ground. I can't see anyone wanting to wait in line to ride it. Whoever said it looked like some erector set is right on. Maybe S&S needs to look at what they acquired from Arrow, and let them make the coaster designs, since the S&S designs, stink, big time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I have ridden both Intamin and S&S towers and prefer the S&S because most of the time you can get a double experience on them. One tower shoots you up while another blasts you downward. Intamins only have one...down. By the way, how can you tell from that screaming squirrel video that it has low capacity? Nothing in that video tells me that. You haven't even seen the specs yet on that coaster, which will tell how much hourly capcacity is possible.

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Well if we do get sceramin squrrel that would be ok for a 13th coaster but we want something big like TTD cause we need another record breaker of some sort cause pki is getting dull without a new coaster. i like the rides there but we are in dire need of a roller coaster.

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I cannot see why a ride like TTD would be copied. I could think of alot better things to do with $25Mil

12 small flat rides

11 new shows

10 new shops

9 animatronic figures

8. HB characters

7 ice cream stands

6 Bird hunters(for those days on Congo when the bird population needs thinning)


4 new trains for racer

3 new chicken meals

2 new S&S rides

and The partridge in a steel coaster longer than 15 seconds!

Edited by sobrider
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..... but we want something big like TTD cause we need another record breaker of some sort cause pki is getting dull without a new coaster.

We do? Who is this "WE" that wants a new coaster like TTD? I think thats one of the stupidest rides around. Yeah, like I wanna wait 3 hours for a ride that lasts what, a whopping 30 seconds? Geesh! PKI likes quality over quantity and doesn't built stupid coasters like that, just to break records.

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I have to agree with the fact that it looks like an erector set.But I'm sure if it were painted, themed, and put into a park with other rides and such.It would look much better than it does sitting out in the parking lot of S&S.From what they have said about it It will be affordable and not take up a lot of land.(kinda like a Vetoma Boomerang) I can see them getting one but not next year or the next.With it being a prototype new ride design I'm sure they will want some other park to try it out and see how it does.But I wouldnt rule it out completly in the future.

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10 new shops

Haha, that's funny... new shops, makes me laugh.

While I don't want PKI to have it's own little TTD, I would not go and say that TTD is a terrible coaster at all, sure it's short, but wow, what a rush.

I'd have to say that I think that I really don't want to see a screaming squirrel at PKI. They're so... eh. Spend the money on a spinning wild mouse instead, those at least do more than that screaming squirrel, and it looks nicer too.

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Ok, I'm confused here. We are talking about a ride that virtually few people have had the chance to ride it and someone says they're so...eh. How were you able to determine this when you've never ridden one? I'm tired of hearing CP goes for quantity and not quality. Anyone who has ever been there would not say this, so my guess is those people have never been there. TTD is definitely a quality coaster, and a new generation of launched coasters that obviously the amusement parks are taking seriously. Now, there's a rocket coaster being built for next year at Hershey Park, bringing the total to three. Yes, I know Cedar Fair owns two of the parks that built one, but it seems there will be more to come with longer versions that do more including inversions.

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Alright, I'm basing my opinion on what I know of the company and what I've seen of the ride. I haven't been impressed thus far on anything S&S has done. Even if they paint their rides they still look like erector sets. Their new fly-swatter ride they put in this year was painted and still looked like crap.

On the TTD part. I've been there done that. I wouldn't say CP is going just for quantity and not quality. Heck TTD is a quality ride. Its smooth, its fast, its tall, but it is short. If they were simply going for quantity they wouldn't have spent $25million and three years planning it. Like I said, I've been on it. I've been on the other rocket coaster (Xcelerator) in California. Let me tell you the ROCKet coaster rock and I plan on being at Hershey Park for the opening of their new rocket. The only problem with TTD is that it just goes up and down, while Xcelerator and Storm Runner each do more than just that. That is why people are complaining saying they don't want a TTD at PKI. We want more than a one trick pony. Plus, the park already released the survey results saying the people want inversions and steel. So that rules out a TTD esque type clone. If it were rocket (I doubt) it would be more on the line of the Storm Runner ride that is yet to open.

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For the record, it's a two trick pony. One trick, 420 ft. tall hill. The 2nd, the spiral on the way down. tongue.gif . Anyway, I don't think that Hypersonic XLC could be all that great of a ride. That truly seems to be a one trick pony. The screaming squirrel on the other hand, even though it is an ugly structure, looks like it could be fun.

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For the record, it's a two trick pony. One trick, 420 ft. tall hill. The 2nd, the spiral on the way down.

actually, the thing on the way down is a twist. its like a stretched out corkscrew. Spirals are usually banked, and have several turns stacked on top of one another. I don't see a true thrill in that. You roatate 360 on a vertical axis while pointing straight down......wow.

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If you really want to get technical... its a heartline roll just turned to point down rather than the normal ones you'd find parallel to the ground. A heartline roll basically is like (sory for the gross description) shoving a pole through your heart and giving you a spin.

Intamin has put this on their 10 inversion Colossus in Europe (I hope to get there soon) Togo has tried it a few times as well as Premier.

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It is funny to read all the posts bashing TTD. 120 mph, 90 degree assension and dessension, 420 ft. tall, and the 270 degree twist on the way down. Calling it a "one trick pony", is a huge understatement. It is, by far, the most intense ride I have ever been on. It is very easy to make a statement/ opinion that "I don't see a true thrill in that", well how can you give an opinion about something that you have never been on? It would be nice to see everyone have an open mind about what a competing park, like CP, does. It almost sounds like if many on this board are making excuses for PKI not having a ride like TTD, and are bashing TTD with false opinions. This is the only site that bashes CP and TTD in this way. Be happy that the state of Ohio has parks like PKI and CP. All the rollercoaster organizations and voter polls have given extremely high and glowing reviews for TTD, and the ONLY complaint was about the huge amount of downtime it had before July 4th, and after the 4th the problems were corrected. I give CP and Cedar Fair an enormous amount of credit for actually having the nerve to make a ride like TTD. It is decisions like this that keep the Golden Ticket for best park going to CP for 4 consecutive years now. No other park can say that.

And you can also see that not only was 11th best for the Golden Tickets, it has also won another award. IAAPA 2003

Have an open mind, just because PKI does not have it, does not mean it is a low quality ride.

Edited by browntggrr
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It is funny to read all the posts bashing TTD

So one person in this thread says they don't like the ride.

I think thats one of the stupidest rides around

Everyone else semi-defends its.....

I would not go and say that TTD is a terrible coaster at all, sure it's short, but wow, what a rush.

Plus everyone is assuming that we have not riden the ride. Like I said. I've riden it. Aparently from the quote above, TraderJake has too. This is not the only site that bashes TTD (assuming we do). Do a search on any of the other sites when TTD was first announced and the layout revealed. Most people hated it, some still do.

Its just not Kings Island style. Its been said before (I really don't remember where, do a search) by Craig Ross that he wants the next coaster to win us a golden ticket or two. He knows what the people want... they did a survey. Plus why would he put a coaster very similar to TTD in PKI when CP is less than four hours away (if you drive like me closer to 2.5)

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You could put one in (like TTD) at PKI. Why? According to many sites, there's some strong opinions that say PKI does not compete with CP. I, on the other hand, strongly disagree seeing how they are not that far apart. Anyway, Amen browntggrr. With me, you're preaching to the choir. TTD is all that and more. Sounds like there's some anger and possibly jealousy because CP likes to build high quality, intense coasters often, whereas PKI, you just never know when and if they will put in a new coaster.

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I've ridden the darn thing. And let me say, i dont think god ever intended us to build things that high and fast. But putting that aside...its the best thing i've ever ridden. Holy sh*t is it a rush. It is something else. And i'm saying this through my teeth, becuase i HATE Cedar Point. I HATE them with a freaking passion. I hope their little park sinks into the darn lake. Seriously, no one can posibly hate them more than me. So for me to say its a good ride takes something. Dont knock it becuase its 17 seconds or whatever it is. Becuase its the most intense 17 seconds on this darn planet.

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Do a search on any of the other sites when TTD was first announced and the layout revealed. Most people hated it, some still do.

I agree, when TTD was first announced, people were very critical of the ride. After they rode it, it was voted 11th best. Those who still talk down to it are those who unfortunatly went to CP to find TTD not operating or those who have false opinions because they never rode it. And the biggest complaint that anyone made at any other site is the fact that it had extensive downtime May- July, like you said, do a search, and read it. (I went to coasterbuzz.com) But those who know PKI know all about downtime after SoB it's first year.

And it is not only this thread at PKIUnlimited that I was referring to, many of them are PKI vs. CP wars. And it shouldn't be like that. Fans of PKI should be happy CP is around, it keeps PKI on their toes to make a better park for all of us. Competition is healthy for the consumer. PKI may try to downplay that what CP does, does not effect decisions that they make, but anyone that has a business has to always look over their shoulder and see what ANY competition is doing.

BoObKiNos- Your thread was great, even though you hate CP, you were honest in your opinions. Kudos to you! It is something like how I feel- I hate the Steelers (Browns fan), but have respect for Bill Cowher. Heck even Marvin Lewis now! LOL

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I think it could make for an interesting addition. I`m not sure about the capacity of it, which would probably be similar to other mouse coasters, which is low. I think it could work if they installed it on the former location of the Saltwater Circus. They need to put in some sort of ride there as that path way is always dead since they closed the Ohio Overland auto Livery, aka, the Rivertown station of the Antique Cars. What ever happened to thos cars? Are they used for replacement cars for the current 17 on the flip side?

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Although this ride looks fairly innovative and somewhat cool, I don't think PKI will be putting one in by itself. I doubt it costs that much, but I think PKI wants to keep its reputation for being a somewhat world-class park. Sure, you do need the smaller rides, without them, the park is nothing...however I think PKI would rather do something bigger.

Screaming squirrel could come as a packaged deal with another nice ride down the road if S&S proves this ride is of good quality. Otherwise, this kind of ride reminds me of fitting in maybe a smaller park. I just can't see it fitting into PKI as well as a B&M speed coaster or Intamin hyper.

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Very true. I would imaginee that these rides would not be marketed so much to the big themers, but would be like existing wild moouse rides; affordable to smaller parks. I would think that this ride would fit perfectly for a place like Coney Island, though I doubt that they have the funds to purchase a ride like this. However, the ride they purchased for this season, the Frog Hopper, was purchased from S&S.

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As for the funding, I don't think funding for a smaller park would be a HUGE problem. Although $2 million may be a stretch for Coney Island (I've never been there) I'm sure it would be a good investment for something like Americana (or whatever it's called now...I've never been there either). It looks like a good "developer" coaster for the smaller parks.

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If Lesordsville(Americania)ever opens back up that ride would be great for that park. They have an outanding wood coaster that puts alot of coasters bigger than it to shame. Plus somthing needs to replace that Galaxy coaster they have. Last time I was on it it felt like it was going to fall down. It would take up less space and be able to run more than 4 people at a time!

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