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The Beast


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Welllll excuuuuuseee ME. Your post was not very clear then, if what you claim is true about what you meant. The reason for what you call "informing the world" about my suspension is that when they suspended me they put that into my profile. When i got reinstated i chose to leave it there becuase i believe it expresses the level of seriousness i take these glorious boards of immense intelligence.

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My bad....really. In re-reading my original post, I am deftly unclear. I apologize.

Your scarlett designation reminds me of how my workplace handles those that are dismissed (OK...FIRED!) from the company: you get paraded around the 2.75 million square foot facility by golfcart on your way out . I think it's terrible, and lately, they've come under pressure to stop. Maybe that was a bad comparison, but you get my drift.

What I meant to ask was this: Why was that tag still following you around after your suspension has obviously been lifted?

Whew! THERE! And....you've already answered my question....gloriously, I might add! LOL

Thanks, and again...sorry for the confusion.


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So, ahh....about The Beast and its birthday this year...putting the trains on backwards would be CRAZY. I mean, for me, I feel a lot of the negative forces on the recaR, but The Beast would be INSANE! I could see the park maybe trying it out for testing to see if it was safe (I imagine so). That would be way too cool for me. The Beast is already a great ride, but facing the trains backwards would double the ride's greatness!

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Can you just IMAGINE? I love The Beast, hands down; no matter what. (Oh, I complain about the brakes and the lights in the tunnel, but rest assured: The BEST, uh, I mean, The Beast is my fave all-time coaster for many different reasons).

But to put the trains backwards....ahhhhhhhh! That has been a dream of mine for quite some time now.

From a technical standpoint, is it possible? Could it work?

If so, then PKI....what's the problem? GET THIS PUT INTO ACTION....at least for FEARFEST....!!!

Wow! Yes! I'm gettin' goose bumps (or should that be BEAST BUMPS) just thinkin' about the wild ride through the woods!


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man are guys kidding. For those of you who wouldn't want to see the trains be turned around backwards, man don't knock it until you try it. turning the trians around would be one of the coolest things PKI ever did. And for fearfest how bout putting a face or something on the first tunnel so it looks like your getting ate....think about it.

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The Beast will never be turned around, why mess with a good thing, and it would cost a lot of money to turn it around. The restraint release system would have to be changed along with the mechanism that allows the train to be pulled up the lift, and the braking system would probably have to be modified. Plus one of the greatest things about The Beast is the view of the ride from the top of the first lift, the view of the park from 2 and seeing yourself go into the helix. The answer is NO.

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man i havn't thought about this. The great views that would be missed (I love the head chopper on the helix). How much it would cost. and the restriants this part seems to be like the idea killer. just makes not sound posiable now

just thought of this has any one ever get hit by the low crossbar on the tunnel in the helix its so low it makes me put my hands down half way

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As appealing the idea of turning The Beast around sounds, I agree that it would not be cost effective to do so for just a short period of time. The factor that you have to consider is severe whipplash. By going forwards on a coaster, the rider is able to somewhat anticipate the general direction of the coaster thus preparing the body for what is ahead. By going backwards there is no way to tell, so any unexpected sudden turns could potentially injure the rider. The only way around this is by redesigning the track, for which some parks have done. But I would highly dought that PKI would mess with a good thing like The Beast's classic ride layout.

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Please stop thinking into things so deeply.

No one really cared whether it would be cost effective or what kind of views they would be losing.

It was simply an idea of something (in which we are pretty certain will never happen.) there is no reason to go thinking into how much everything would cost.

It was just the thought of what it would be like to ride it if there were a backward train..


Woot Woot

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Please stop thinking into things so deeply.

No one really cared whether it would be cost effective or what kind of views they would be losing.

It was simply an idea of something (in which we are pretty certain will never happen.) there is no reason to go thinking into how much everything would cost.

It was just the thought of what it would be like to ride it if there were a backward train..


Woot Woot

Lol I knew that leading into writing my response, but I haven't posted in a while and I also needed to kill some time.

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