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Your Banshee Experience


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I'm sure you were at the park today and only know names on here and no

faces. My kids were all too excited about the ride. The love The Bat wing and experienced a first time rider for KI. It was well worth the 3 1/2 hour wait for us all. Here are my kids sporting their new Action Zone gear 7yvasa6e.jpg

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The wait was absolutely insane. I got to the park at 10 till Noon and it took me 5 1/2 hours to get on (that is including a 45 minute wait to get through the turn styles). The length of the line was about what I expected, but the efficiency in which the line moves was pretty bad. Just missed getting a shirt, they ran out right before I got on, I wasn't surprised, but a little irked when Fast Lane riders had an arm full of them. The ride is pretty awesome, but I almost wish it had a couple moments when it slowed down a little so you could take in the view, but I'm looking forward to riding some more when the lines are shorter.

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I loved Banshee. It is my third B&M invert after Batman and Raptor and I can honestly say the first one I really liked. It's intense but I did not feel thrown around relentlessly like from Batman or ready to hurl like Raptor. Very good job B&M and KI. Banshee is a winner.

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  On 4/18/2014 at 11:37 PM, raptor said:

The wait was absolutely insane. I got to the park at 10 till Noon and it took me 5 1/2 hours to get on (that is including a 45 minute wait to get through the turn styles). The length of the line was about what I expected, but the efficiency in which the line moves was pretty bad. Just missed getting a shirt, they ran out right before I got on, I wasn't surprised, but a little irked when Fast Lane riders had an arm full of them. The ride is pretty awesome, but I almost wish it had a couple moments when it slowed down a little so you could take in the view, but I'm looking forward to riding some more when the lines are shorter.

Anyone who took more than one shirt should be publicly depantsed. Shame on whomever gave them out too. Shameful all around.
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I told my bf the title of this thread and he answered with a "freakin awesome" (:

I enjoyed it of course, but was really looking forward to getting a shirt. By the time we got off (after waiting for 4+ hours) we were told they "finished giving out shirts 10 minutes ago". *cries internally* I saw at least one person walking around with two... will someone have pity on me and sell me one or two shirts? (one for me and bf)

I can't wait to experience the ride in the font seat. I sat on the left side of a middle row. Front and back, and night rides will all be amazing new experiences. Honestly by the time we got to the ride, I was feeling hungry, tired, had to use the bathroom, and was going crazy with anxiety being afraid that the ride would make me too dizzy (it didn't)!

I loved the memorial to the Son of Beast near the entrace. <3

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Banshee was amazing, just what I was hoping for! My wife and I were a little disappointed with the stacking. We saw all three trains waiting in the station pretty frequently and mostly just one train cycling at a given time. Pretty bad in my opinion. Also, did anyone else have any problems with all the line jumping and line holding? No lie, in the 3 and a half hours we were in an "actual" queue (the temporary queue and the main ride queue) we had about 20 people or more come walking past us. It was like people were texting their friends and telling them if they wanted to ride Banshee that they could come meet them in line. It was getting completely out of hand. We saw some people try to block the people line jumping, but they would just duck and crawl under the railing. I had half a mind to go tell the people at the entrance to do their job and quit letting all these people in. Oh well. What can you do?

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  On 4/19/2014 at 1:34 AM, PKIVortex said:

I think they should of cut off Fast Lane today. How is it fair for them to keep getting shirts. Also its Fast Lane not Walk on lane which KI thinks it is.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

Completely agree. I understand that KI wants to make the money from Fast Lane and Fast Lane Plus, but the crowds were so bad today that I think it should have just been a free for all - especially on Banshee. It's even more unfair that Fast Lane people were allowed (who in the world was in charge of handing the shirts out?) to grab more than one shirt. Shame on everyone involved!

On a side note, I told my wife that they need to install a sensor at the Fast Lane entrance so that when people walked in, it would trigger a "cha ching, cha ching" sound. It's kind of amazing to watch and estimate how much free money KI rakes in with the whole Fast Lane thing.

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AWESOME! We were in line from 5:00 on the button, and were behind the gate at 8:15. I know Don tweeted that they were expecting to turn over 1,500 people per hour. I timed trains leaving on an average of 1 min 5 seconds. 32 people per train, that's turning around 1,900 per hour. Pretty darned good.

Edit: forgot to say: while we were in the next to last queue line, KI started passing out cups of ice water when you hit the first line. Much appreciated!

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Yeh, our line was long, but it we t through pretty fast. They even had some dry runs.

This is the first time I'd ever see a walk of shame, part of me felt sorry for them (it was a couple) but part of me was angry at their silliness, there's a test chair Right There at the entrance.

The ride's not scary, just amazing. The seats for someone my size are just amazing, I'm used to being buffetted around, this time I could truly enjoy the ride. I'll be going back with my neice and her boyfriend soon, hopefully on a sneaky weekday, when the two boys she's a nanny for can try it without the stupendous line.

They had a Dixieland band there! It was great to see that again!

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^ My wife and I witnessed a walk of shame while we were in line. It was when the wait time was between 4 - 4 and a half hours. I'd hate to be that person and had to leave after all that time, but I'm with you, there is a test seat. I think I would have tried that first before waiting all that time.

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  On 4/19/2014 at 1:39 AM, Voicetek said:
  On 4/19/2014 at 1:34 AM, PKIVortex said:

I think they should of cut off Fast Lane today. How is it fair for them to keep getting shirts. Also its Fast Lane not Walk on lane which KI thinks it is.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

Completely agree. I understand that KI wants to make the money from Fast Lane and Fast Lane Plus, but the crowds were so bad today that I think it should have just been a free for all - especially on Banshee. It's even more unfair that Fast Lane people were allowed (who in the world was in charge of handing the shirts out?) to grab more than one shirt. Shame on everyone involved!

On a side note, I told my wife that they need to install a sensor at the Fast Lane entrance so that when people walked in, it would trigger a "cha ching, cha ching" sound. It's kind of amazing to watch and estimate how much free money KI rakes in with the whole Fast Lane thing.

They got my $80 for a Fast Lane Plus tomorrow. Cha Ching.

I think my heart stopped for a moment today when Banshee went down for a little while not 10 minutes after I purchased my Fast Lane Plus online.

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  On 4/19/2014 at 1:34 AM, PKIVortex said:

I think they should of cut off Fast Lane today. How is it fair for them to keep getting shirts. Also its Fast Lane not Walk on lane which KI thinks it is.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

Completely agree, I am not opposed to the Fast Lane at all, but on a day that they are debuting one of their biggest coaster, the Fast Lane should have been off, and if it was going to be open, they should have given the shirts away as you got on, and not given them to the fast laners, perhaps they could have received 1 when they checked in.

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