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Has anyone had any trouble with glitches of any type so far?

Our biggest problem was opening day. Our entire family went to the park. We'd all renewed our passes last fall...even having them double-checked. They even let all of us in to Halloween Haunt several times. What happened? We start through the gate and one of my daughter's passes was expired! We didn't have the receipt with us so they let us through on the condition that we would get the problem resolved by guest services before we left the park.

Guest Services went round and round in circles. We even called my house so that my husband could pull the receipt and give them the transaction number. They couldn't find the transaction number in their records. An hour later, the supervisor assured us that he would have the problem resolved that evening.

We returned to the park (with receipt in hand) early yesterday morning. Sure enough, her card was still expired. The supervisor in charge yesterday told us that the other supervisor had issued my daughter a new card. Uh, no. We gave them the receipt and waited about 15 minutes while a new card was actually issued. Then, we added our meal plans to each card. Thankfully, everyone's card now works.

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I have had three Gold Passes (2011-2013) and one Platinum Pass (2014). I have never had an issue at Kings Island.

We shall see within the first couple weeks of May whether I have an issue using my Platinum Pass at Canada's Wonderland. I have no reason to believe I will. I hope I am not disappointed.

-homestar92, searching for his receipt from the Platinum upgrade.

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I had an issue that was caused by human error, but created an interesting problem! My mother has renewed my pass for the past few years as a birthday gift. This year I left my wallet with her so she could take care of it whenever she had the time. Well, I also had my boyfriend's pass in my wallet. Can you guess which pass she renewed? :P

Later as we were trying to renew his pass, we got nothing but errors and assumed that we were just putting in the wrong phone number on file. We searched all night for all the phone numbers he's used over the years and tried every one-- nada. Later in the morning (it was opening day) we managed to get on the phone with someone at the park to help us. we were told that his pass had already been renewed, but the information was odd- it had his picture on file, but my name. Amanda is not a name you would think would go with the person in his picture, right? lol. He read then my pass number and it turned out that my pass was still shown as a 2013 pass and had not been renewed. Then the answer hit me, the wrong pass must have been renewed! Once we figured this out all was well, we were able to renew my pass as normal, and then after we were done on opening day we went to processing and got some help putting his information back on the card as it should be.

All of this is relevant because imaging our pass informations merging like that was hilarious to me. Like some kind of frankenpass. it certainly seemed like a crazy glitch before we figured it out.

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We have had passes since al least 1986. We have never had a problem until this year. I'm so glad we saved the receipt!

As for being stuck on rides, so far that has only happened to me once. Although I love to ride the rides, I have a tremendous fear of heights! Each time before I get on Drop Tower, I pray, "Oh, God, please save me from my stupidity and don't let this get stuck at the top. You know I'll die of a heart attack!"

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We have had passes since al least 1986. We have never had a problem until this year. I'm so glad we saved the receipt!

As for being stuck on rides, so far that has only happened to me once. Although I love to ride the rides, I have a tremendous fear of heights! Each time before I get on Drop Tower, I pray, "Oh, God, please save me from my stupidity and don't let this get stuck at the top. You know I'll die of a heart attack!"

I'm not scared of heights, but I do say that almost every time too. The reasoning is because my mother is "scared" of heights and freaks out, therefore if it gets stuck up there I know I'm going to be dealing with a maniac. After about 10 rides on Drop Tower she finally was able to ride with eyes open and not scream.

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