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Soak City Questions


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It's been years since my family and I have been to Kings Island. I remember one year my brother was permitted to wear a t-shirt along with his swim trunks, but the following year, no t-shirt. We are going back this year and my husband would like to join us in the waterpark, but he burns very easily. Would he be allowed to wear a t-shirt, a swimshirt, or only lather up the suncreen??

Any other Soak City tips?? We're excited to go!

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Yeah he can wear a t-shirt.

Get some seats close to where you plan to spend most of your day. Ride the larger slides first, then wind down tosmaller attractions.

MAKE SURE you have NO ribbets (round circular things) on the back, nor metal on the back of any swimming attire. If you do, ask the lifeguards at the red umbrella for "Bunks" for ribbets, and put a Bandaid or put something over it.

I hope you have fun!

BB1, the Kings Island Waterpark expert

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Shirts are allowed on all the attractions, though they might slow you down on the body slides. Keep in mind that a wet t-shirt won't offer much protection from sunburn, so consider a SPF shirt intended for water activities.

Welcome to KICentral, by the way!

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Besides the tee shirt, if you might be like me (bald), always wear a hat to protect the top of your head from the sun! I always wear it in the wave pool and the lazy river. I wear one of these boonie hats that also protect the ears and back of the neck. As always, use lots of sun screen on the head and the rest of the exposed skin.

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I'm wondering if the Funbrellas near the wave pool offer much as far as protection from the sun. I was at the park yesterday, spending the vast majority of my time under a Funbrella, while the kids played in the pool. I had sunscreen on my face but not my arms, figuring the short amount of time I'd be out in the sun wouldn't be a problem. But my arms turned rather crispy! I love the shade, I assumed I'd be safer under there but maybe I'm wrong?

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