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How often is it that a ride is closed for a whole day or majority? Which ride tends to break down the most, and is Vortex really as rough as everyone says? I have a weird feeling that one of the best rides will be broken down when we go on June 30 and this is our first time because we live 4 hours away! Thanks.

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We do not know here whether or not rides will be closed in the future as none of us are able to predict the future (at least I think). KIC is not an official Kings Island park entity so we cannot speak for Kings Island or any other Cedar Fair park.

Rides are massive machines and can break down, however, no one can know when they will do so. The park does not know from this point what rides will be operating in the morning, let alone over a week away.

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I don't know if Flight of Fear will be open or has been open (have not been go the park) and Vortex I don't think is that bad as everyone says, but the turn around after the loops and into the mid course break run is the most "pain".

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We do not know here whether or not rides will be closed in the future as none of us are able to predict the future (at least I think). KIC is not an official Kings Island park entity so we cannot speak for Kings Island or any other Cedar Fair park.

Rides are massive machines and can break down, however, no one can know when they will do so. The park does not know from this point what rides will be operating in the morning, let alone over a week away.

Do any rides seem to be the most frequent to break down?
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It is very uncommon for a major ride to be down for an entire day unexpectedly. It happens, but as a rule, if a ride can be safely operated, it will almost certainly operate. Generally, if a ride is to be down all day, it will be posted on the LED signs at the entrance to the park. It is hard to say which rides break down the most, but I can tell you that any day the park is open until 10:00, The Beast will have 20-30 minutes of downtime starting around 9:45 due to the fireworks. The ride is not broken down during this time, they close it for safety reasons due to the ride's proximity to the fireworks mortar.

And rough isn't the right word for Vortex, though many people describe it as such. The ride experience is exactly as it was intended to be when it was built. Arrow loopers are known for their sharp, quick transitions, and Vortex definitely has some. I recommend the first row of the fifth car (9th row overall) or the first row of the last car (second to last row overall) for the best experience. Vortex is definitely a tamer ride toward the back of the train than it is near the front, contrary to what many riders would expect.

Vortex is also my personal favorite steel coaster in the world, and is a popular attraction at the park, loved by millions. It is definitely not as silky smooth as Diamondback or Banshee, but it is by no means unenjoyable.

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Drop Tower was down for a long time at the beginning of the season, but is back up now. Shake Rattle and Roll has been down a couple weeks. Flight of Fear has been up and down all season (down again as of today). WindSeeker is often down temporarily throughout the day due to winds (funny enough). Today, Viking Fury was down but that's the first I've heard of any problems with it. That's all I know of being down more than very temporarily this season, but it in no way guarantees what will happen in the future.

Vortex can be a real pain. I personally find it a little better in the front seat because you can lean into the turns.

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Drop Tower was down for a long time at the beginning of the season, but is back up now. Shake Rattle and Roll has been down a couple weeks. Flight of Fear has been up and down all season (down again as of today). WindSeeker is often down temporarily throughout the day due to winds (funny enough). Today, Viking Fury was down but that's the first I've heard of any problems with it. That's all I know of being down more than very temporarily this season, but it in no way guarantees what will happen in the future.

Vortex can be a real pain. I personally find it a little better in the front seat because you can lean into the turns.

I'm assuming FOF is still down?

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I closed the other topic so you can have your questions and answers consolidated.

I think I'm understanding what you're asking. As others have stated, asking us what rides will be down is like asking us what the weather will be like. Anyone can make a prediction, but no one knows for sure.

Some parks (in the past) closed rides one day per week for rehab, that's actually true. Kings Island does not. June 30th is about a week away, so we really don't know what the situation will be with Shake Rattle & Roll, Viking Fury, Flight of Fear, etc. Hopefully they'll be back in action. A week is like a lifetime to a theme park this time of year, so I'm sure they're doing everything they can to get them open. Will they be open in a week? One can hope, but not guarantee.

As far as weather is concerned, never in my many years of visiting Kings Island have I seen the rides closed for more than a few hours during rain. They open them as soon as it is safe. Again, it's in the park's best interest to do so. They're not making money off you if you get fed up and leave in the early afternoon, right? As I'm sure you're aware, rain storms are very common in the Cincinnati area during this time of year. It's almost daily. Today at the park, the sky opened up and we had the heaviest rain I'd seen in a while... people were taking cover, rides were stopped. Less than a half hour later the sun was back out and everyone was back to having the best day ever.

Days where it's predicted to rain are sometimes the best ones to visit. It can sometimes keep the crowds away, so you can get more rides in during your visit.

You asked which rides close during rain: the answer is "it depends" but that's a flexible statement. The reality is pretty much all of them close. They do open in stages, as it seems, as the storm passes. It seems like flat rides (non-coasters) open, followed by wood, then steel coasters. Don't take that to heart, because I don't know what their actual procedure is, but that's just what I've observed.

With that said, have an awesome visit! Make sure you write a Trip Report under that heading and tell us all about it!

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Do any rides seem to be the most frequent to break down?

One ride that stands out to me is WindSeeker. Fine ride and all, just seems to be down the most. Other than that, I can't really think of any rides that are down often... I know Surf Dog was down a lot it seemed like in 2010. I don't think it was ever running a time I've been their, that year. As far as I know the ride seems to be up and running most days now.

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