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Meet Coasterguy107 @ PKI 6/21


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I am going to be graceing PKI with my glory *NOTE: I am note truly that glorious* on June 21 so if anyone would like to meet the one and only Coasterguy107 go to the Eifel Tower @ 12:00 PM. I will write a trip report this Saturday! I hope to meet at least one PKIU member. ph34r.gif

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Sorry for the late Trip Report I have been busy. Arrived at the park at 9AM on the dot, went to wait by AZ till 10. The Park Opened and I went straight to Delirium, it was down from 9:45 till 1:27. So I went to ride SOB, the new restraints give a smoother ride but fit a lot tighter. DZ, F/O and Delirium had ful queuees all day. AE was smmoth and fun, Viking Fury was swinging preatty low for it's usual height sad.gif . Racer both ways were great, FOF full Queue most of the day, Vortex allways go quick with queuee, and Shake Rattle And Roll was down till 11 then the green and yellow arms were having lifting problems the rest of the day but it was running. The Flying Eagles were very slow Saturday sad.gif . Overall it ways a very hot and crowded day. ph34r.gif

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