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The Hauntingly Haunted Halloween Haunt TR 9/19/14


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Yeah, I'm bored so I made this have a silly title...

Last night I went to Haunt - I took off Friday nights from work so I could do so - and I am so excited to go again!

First of all: I say this every year, but since it was the first night, nothing scared me...at all. I rarely flinched. But, the mazes have a lot of potential this year.

Within an hour, we knocked off Delta Delta Die, KillMart, Urgent Scare, and Slaughterhouse. The longest we waited was five minutes. Delta Delta Die really didn't impress me too much. The last time I did it was when it was Massacre Manor, and they changed nothing except for the theme, which was meh. KillMart has a LOT of potential. There are so many good hiding spots for scare actors (except none of them utilized it very well). My favorite part is the giant pillow pet...watch out for what's under there! This is that one maze that is just really funny and interesting, not scary. Urgent Scare is the same old same old. Slaughterhouse disappointed me greatly. Being the "biggest" maze, it sure didn't feel like it. There were no attempts at scares and in the infamous black tarp thingy, there was nobody!

After a few rides on Banshee and Diamondback, we knocked out Club Blood (stupid like usual). As it got darker, we did Tombstone Terror-Tory, Board to Death, CarnEVIL and Madame Fatale's to close out the night.

So, all in all, we did every maze except CornStalkers and Wolf Pack, along with a night ride on The Beast.

Highs of the night:

  • KillMart's awesome theme. A lot of detail put into it. Definitely the best at KI and on par with Dent Schoolhouse props and setting.
  • Madame Fatale's is really cool. I love looking up to see the large space that once was used for The Crypt.
  • That's it. No joke, that's it.

Lows of the night:

  • Lack of scare actors. Yes, I know, first night. It will get much better as the season goes on.
  • I feel like most of the mazes were somewhat cheap and badly done. I didn't notice it last year, but CarnEVIL is just not good anymore. It's too bright, the clowns didn't blend in at all, and even the whole mirror maze part was not used to scare. Boo! Board to Death consists mostly of large curtains with domino patterns, a deck of cards, etc. Not many big sets. Delta Delta Die is just Massacre Manor but with drunk college girls and beer cans laying around all over the place. You get the point.
  • Roaming actors; very nonexistent. Instead of trying to scare people, most of them just menacingly walked around and blowing on people's necks. Whoa, that's just downright evil. "Nightmare Alley" had no actors at all. But I have to give props to the amazing detail; wow, eyeballs hanging from trees?!
  • No fog or Haunt surprises on The Beast.
  • The guy at the front by the fountains usually does such a good job but he didn't talk too much last night.
  • Overall decorations. There are not many and there's mostly just hay and scarecrows.

I'm not being a Debbie Downer. Haunt is still an awesome part of Kings Island and last night was still fun. But it just seems poorly set up and very cheap. I think they spent the most time doing KillMart and didn't even worry about anything else! Still, I see plenty of potential for later this year. I will be back, of course...and working tonight for it!

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Mr. Jdawg1998,

What are you talking about? I found this year's event to be fantastic. Especially around midnight the actors were so full of energy and really got into it. Nightmare Alley was easily the highlight of the night. But, I found Killmart's theme and design to be terrible. I may not have ever met you before, but I can already tell we have completely different views and opinions on things.


Mr. CoasterGeek101.

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  On 9/20/2014 at 8:02 PM, jdawg1998 said:

Lows of the night:

  • Lack of scare actors. Yes, I know, first night. It will get much better as the season goes on.
  • I feel like most of the mazes were somewhat cheap and badly done. I didn't notice it last year, but CarnEVIL is just not good anymore. It's too bright, the clowns didn't blend in at all, and even the whole mirror maze part was not used to scare. Boo! Board to Death consists mostly of large curtains with domino patterns, a deck of cards, etc. Not many big sets. Delta Delta Die is just Massacre Manor but with drunk college girls and beer cans laying around all over the place. You get the point.
  • Roaming actors; very nonexistent. Instead of trying to scare people, most of them just menacingly walked around and blowing on people's necks. Whoa, that's just downright evil. "Nightmare Alley" had no actors at all. But I have to give props to the amazing detail; wow, eyeballs hanging from trees?!
  • No fog or Haunt surprises on The Beast.
  • The guy at the front by the fountains usually does such a good job but he didn't talk too much last night.
  • Overall decorations. There are not many and there's mostly just hay and scarecrows.

I'm not being a Debbie Downer. Haunt is still an awesome part of Kings Island and last night was still fun. But it just seems poorly set up and very cheap. I think they spent the most time doing KillMart and didn't even worry about anything else! Still, I see plenty of potential for later this year. I will be back, of course...and working tonight for it!

I agree with all of these aside from the comment regarding The Beast because I didn't ride it and I didn't pay too much attention to the decorations around the park to notice a difference from past years. Some of the only roamers I saw actually scaring people were the droog sliders and even that idea is a bit redundant at this point.

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I went Friday night again. It was much better. A lot more actors roaming around and in the mazes. Still didn't scare me too much, but it felt a lot less empty. I didn't get to ride The Beast, but I got a few night rides on Banshee, Adventure Express, Racer, and Diamondback.

Houses I went through were KillMart, Urgent Scare, Tombstone Terror-Tory, and CarnEVIL.

Tombstone Terror-Tory was really good this time around. They added so much fog that I was honestly scared to walk through it. Well done! KillMart was very good as well. I just love the theme and the detail they put into it. Urgent Scare just isn't the same. I noticed this last year. It's pretty boring, honestly. CarnEVIL is way too bright and happy. I know it's supposed to be themed to a fun house, but it's not scary, at all. Overall, though, this night was much better than the last Friday.

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Yeah, I think it's time for Carnevil & Urgent Scare (and why not Club Blood as well) to retire. Or refurbish/redo Carnevil like Slaughterhouse did this season.

Glad to hear this week was better! I hope to make it out sometime this season!

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