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April 4th 2004 TR


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First of all, on the way to the park, I seen a dog walking down 275 near Reed Hartman Highway exit. Anyone else see that?


Got the park right before 10 this morning. Seen the sign out front with the very long list of rides that would not be running today! WHAT? No Vortex? No Face/Off? No SOB? Well, The Beast wansnt on that list so that was good enough for me! Ordered my season/parking pass and got my wonderful picture taken. Actual, it looks like total crap since the lady taking it didnt tell me when she was going to snap the pic! At least most of them say smile first.

Into the park I go. Snow is actually falling and I ask myself "what did I get myself into?"

Heading to The Beast, I had to say hello to Scooby first scoring 1260! Ok, at least I thought that was a good score! Anyway, heading to The Beast, TR:TR caught my eye so I walked on in. Someone was walking right behind me in the outside line section as the snow was coming down so I asked him if he had ever been to KI in the snow before. We started talking and it turns out this guy is a reader of this website. He said he never posts but he reads the website alot. I never got his name. We started talking about the "changes" that we heard might be happening to TR:TR before we got on it. The light for the door is still broken and none of the theming was turned on. The ride is pretty much the same as it was if not duller! I was very unimpressed! They seem to have turned off all the FX, or at least some of them. And I am pretty sure they left the "dome" lights on the whole time. Just WAY to much light on for my tastes! As a whole, the ride did NOTHING for me! So I decided that it was time......time to tame The Beast.

The Beast was the MAIN REASON for me to go today. If nothing else, I wanted to find out what "hollywood" stuff they threw on it. A couple of new signs, no Beast Video was playing. Heck, I would have waited in line just to watch the video! But no dice. They still had the same old 20th birthday sign up! But they did have a few new signs to the left and right of that sign. Heck, the only part you could tell it was it's 25th birthday was at the Photo Booth at the line exit! Kinda sad! Just seems they have a lot of work to do before Friday!

No line, I walked right up to the train, but had to wait one cycle so I could get the front car. It had been so long since I did the front car on The Beast that I thought it was a perfect time for it. Going up the first lift hill, I could see the new speakers they added for the soundtrack, but there was nothing coming out of them! I was disapointed to say the least. But it still was a sweet ride! Back in the station, there was still no line so off I go to get back in line. I rode it 2 more times and then it was off to FOF.

When I got into the station for FoF, again, no line. The girl ride op asked me how I was doing, so I asked her to guess. She said "cold?" WE HAVE WINNER! She said it felt like it was getting a little warmer out there. So I told her that The Beast wasnt really that bad weather wise! She was super nice, as was all the other ride ops the entire day! For as cold as it was, all the ride ops were in great spirits! Mad props to all of you for that! Anyway, as I was getting into the train (last seat) I asked her if she worked yesterday and she told me she did. So I asked what the crowd was like. She told me it was crazy. She said they had a power outage and that they had a lot of angry people on there hands. She said she knew today would be different. No lines meant happy people! I must agree! Ride took off and it made remember just how great of a ride this really was! After getting off the ride, I got right back on it again, but that cool ride op was now at the control desk (or whatever you call it). Was a little bummed about that! I really enjoyed talking to her! I ended up with 3 FoF rides for the day.

Anyway, time for a little AE action. Again, walking right up to the train, NOBODY else in the station, waiting tor the train to unload, another cool ride op asked me how I was doing. As the train was unloading, the ride op told the people in the front seat of the car to change seats since there was someone waiting for that seat now (me). WHAT? You can ride it and never get off? So I asked if I was allowed to stay on as well! She said "look around! There is NOBODY else here! Ride as much as you want! But if someone is waiting for your seat when you get back, you gotta change seats!" I told her that I loved her style and off we went! 5 sycles later and I was done. Only had to change seats ONCE! WOOHOO! Only the second time in MY PKI history that I was able to stay on a ride for multiple turns! SWEET!

Now it was time to play frisbee. I am getting spoiled with this no line stuff! Was able to walk right on it! WOW! I just love this ride! I found out I was able to get off it and then back on it before the cycle would start back up! Did it 5 times in a row and walked over to Drop Zone and did it 5 times as well! Drop Zone is the only ride that scares me when I ride it because of the way it vibrates when your sitting still at the very top! Kept telling myself.....DROP ALREADY!!

I grab another ride on the coolest frisbee in the world and then head off to The Racer. Grab the front seat. I always goto PKI by myself, I really have no problem with that! I seem to deem myself a perfect guest as when I get into a coaster, I will close the seat belt, drop the lap bar of the seat next to me just to help out the ride ops....reversing the actiosn when the ride ends. But when I got onto The Racer, I did my usual close the lap bar/seat belt of the seat next to me and I look up the dudes behind me in line waiting for the next train are LAUGHING at me!! I was like "whats up?" They were like, "who you belting in?" I just blew it off and off we went. Ride seemed a little rough today.

Heading over to The Beast to say good bye for the day, I took a look at the Zepher and Scrambler. Scrambler looks nice, Zepher look ok (I guess) didnt really see anything different with the Monster. Did someone say it had a new sign? Looked the same to me.

Another ride on The Beast, but now they had the Sound track on. I think I heard it once in the station. On the way up the first life hill, some very lame scary (I guess) music was playing. Maybe I heard a growl as well. I know I heard a growl at the second lift hill. My opinion, if that is all there doing with that soundtrack, then The Beast was better without it! Very very lame!

After The Beast, I got some Potato works fries (with cheese!) and then onto the train to check out the Boomerang Bay construction. I decide to head home and off to the car I go. Look at the clock and it is 2:00 on the nose! So from 10:00-2:00 I was able to do:

Scooby (1)

TR:TR (1)

The Beast (4)

FoF (3)

AE (5)

Delirium (6)

Drop Zone (5)

Racer (1)

Train (1)

27 rides in 4 hours! That tells you right there how DEAD the place was today!

I have been spoiled, big time!!

Planning on going back up on Friday after work just to see if they made any changes to The Beast. But until then, I am out.......


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The girl ride op asked me how I was doing, so I asked her to guess. She said "cold?" WE HAVE WINNER!

HAHA. That's great.

told her that I loved her style and off we went! 5 sycles later and I was done. Only had to change seats ONCE!

Yeah I've gotten to do that only once before also. I got it for Top Gun. Wasn't lucky enough to get front seat every time. It wasn't that empty! Still got 3 in a row, I don't really like Top Gun all that much. I also once got that for Dueling Dragons. That was awesome.

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