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Kings Island in the Rain?


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My wife and I are making the trip from Wisconsin next weekend, (May 8th and 9th), and the current long range forecast calls for rain. My questions is, how well does the park deal with rain? Do any coasters operate if its just raining without lightning? How quickly do they re-open coasters after storms?  We do have the opporunity to push our trip back one week if the forecast stays the same. Thanks!

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1) Forecasts this far out are almost entirely useless.  They're liable to change numerous times between now and then.  I wouldn't decided based on weather until a day or two before at most.


2) It depends on how much rain.  With a light rain, some rides may keep running.  Heavy rain and it'll shut everything down.  As for reopening, that really depends on radar.  If it looks like it'll pour again soon, or there is any lightning in the forecast, then rides will stay down.  Otherwise, once those conditions have cleared, they'll send out some test runs and get the ride open as soon as possible.


If the rain is just intermittent throughout the day, it could draw crowds away for when it clears, making lines shorter.  Some of the best days in a park are these hidden gems.  On the flip side, if the rain is never-ending, you won't get many rides in.

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This is all coming from the experiences of a frequent parkgoer. I am not employed by Kings Island or Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, and I have no official knowledge of their policies. This is all anecdotal.


In my experience, most rides will continue to operate if there is rain but no lightning, including most of the coasters. If rain is expected, I personally would try to ride Flight of Fear during the part of the day when it is not raining, if applicable. On particularly hot or rainy days, crowds will flock to that ride to escape the weather due to its being indoors.


However, I will also note that this far out, that forecast is not likely to be accurate. There could be rain. Then again, it could be 70 degrees and sunny. If the weather is expected to be rainy for most of the day, this will typically keep crowds down, which can work to your benefit. A rainy forecast left Holiday World nearly deserted on their opening day, which included the opening of one of the more prominent "New for 2015" attractions in the industry, and a day expected to have lots of rain will generally affect Kings Island in a similar way.

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Thanks! I fully realize this forecast WILL change, just wanted to see how the parks handles rain. In my previous trips to Cedar Point, they did an amazing job opening rides as soon as possible, something I didn't see in years past at my home park Six Flags Great America.  Agreed that the days with a bit of rain in the forecast can be some of the best!

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It rained during 2 of our 3 trips to Cedar Point and both times for us the park was great about getting things going. Most impressive to me was the park re-opening Millenium Force three minutes prior to the park closing so those waiting the storm out in line could get final rides in for the night. We were super impressed!

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Yep, they're actually really great about getting rides reopened up there.  Kinda like the policy to let people line up right until close and get everyone on (if the ride doesn't break down), they want to give guests every opportunity to ride.  Even more impressive is when a ride goes down during a ride night and they still quickly get the ride reopened for us.  Very cool.  :)

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