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1 Day Digital Photo Pass


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Did anyone purchase a one day digital photo pass on Saturday, May 30th? I bought it after my first ride on Banshee (ERT ride). Throughout the day, employees at the photo kiosks mentioned that the system was having difficulty uploading/downloading pictures to the site. I checked the website all day to view my pictures, but pictures were not showing up. Before we left the park that evening, I checked with guest services, and they also acknowledged that the service provider was having technical difficulties. They said it would hopefully be up and running in an hour. It's Sunday and I am still not seeing pictures online. I called guest services and they said that I should give it until Monday and check again. Anyone else having problems? I think I want a refund, but at the same time, I REALLY want my pictures! Any advice?

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I was encountering issues initially with a photo pass purchased on May 30th as well. It took over a day, but they did make it onto the website a few hours ago. Cool thing about the photos is that they provide you both with the version with the themed frame around the photo as well as just the photo itself. And the result is much better than buying the printed picture and scanning it. Also of note, an all-season photo pass is ostensibly coming soon at a price point somewhere between $50 and $60 (I don't remember the exact number) but it is not available yet. And I have one of the photos here.




And yes, I was very hot in my suit... In more ways than one, if I do say so myself.

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If you ask me, they look more like Secret Service agents than park executives. :P

At least one foodservice employee thought that we were with upper management because he had never seen anyone else show up at the park in a suit.


Just goes to show the sad state of affairs in the world today... I put on my finest clothes so that I can show proper respect for the magnificence of a good roller coaster while everyone else just throws on a T-shirt and shorts and apparently I'M the weird one...


And for the foodservice employees, if I WERE there as a secret shopper and evaluate your performance, I certainly wouldn't dress so conspicuously as to make it obvious... OR WOULD I?


On an unrelated note, this picture has made me realize just how infrequently the bottom of my arms are exposed to sunlight... I'm ghostly white 0_o

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