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Best Looking AZ Sup


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Sorry that they arent all on here but you are limited to 10 choices!

A few mistakes to report:

Sarah isnt Az Kinda Gurl, she is Flyer06 rolleyes.gif

There isnt a SUP at Skyflyer names Kevin (Dont ask how that happened), I ment to put Dawn....How I messed that up I dont know...but vote for Kevin as if he was Dawn the Sup. tongue.giftongue.gif ...Where did I get Kevin from???


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  • 3 weeks later...

I also like sarah alot from dellerium slingshot...i met here on sunday when i got sent there from Gun to dellerium...she is a very cool person and was fun to work with...as a matter of fact most of that crew is...courtney andrew sarah steve michelle... and Ms weyant that goes to my school in lovely amelia ohio lol

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hey Deliriumdreamer what is yourname...i prolly know you i knowmostofthe crews in Az in know everyone on skyflyer most on drop dot and many for face off/congo and Delirium/slingshot...by the way im danny maybe ill see you tommorow on my school field trip

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I highly doubt you will see me, since I am directing a musical all day today and half of the day tomarrow. last two performances, buy ur tickets now!

Anyways, my name is Ariel, if you do know me, most of the time I'm either loading/unloading Delirium or at greeter. I'm not at slingshot as often as I'd like. Oh well.

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  Dxrunner said:
i think ive seen you before you have blackish hair and are kinda short...and your never at slingshot lol

I guess that's a pretty good description. But, my hair is kinda dark brownish-red. That, and if you read my previous posts, you would find out that I joke about my royal shortness. I do go to slingshot, but not very often. I can easily be confused with my bud, Shaina, who looks similar to me, and is on the same team.

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