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PCW May 7th Pics


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Ya, PCW is one of those parks that is finally starting to gain interest in a LOT of people. You can see that from some of the pics of the crowds getting into the park.

This is my first time taking pics of park so I hope i did a good job lol.

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Nice Pictures I see PCW still has a Ski Lab and their Stand up that looks alot like the King Cobra in the park still running. If I was not going to Disneyland C.A. I would have got a Gold pass to ride those rides.

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I can see you don't like Tomb Raider, why's it so uncomfortable? I've never had the chance to ride a Zamperela Flier.

The one time I went to PCW I enjoyed it alot. It dosen't really have that great of a selection of coasters, but the flat selection is absoluetly amazing. With Psyclone (a small frisbee), Sledge Hammer (a huss jump2), Cliffhanger (a small top spin), Jet Scream (like a pirate ship except it goes around 360 degrees), drop zone, and Shockwave (a cool spin type ride even though not sure who its made by) PCW has by far the best flat selection of any Paramount Park I've been to and I would even say one of the best selections period because although they don't have near the numbers of flats as some parks the flats they do have are amazing.

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Psclone is actually just about the same size as the Huss Giant Frisbee so its not small by no means.

Shockwave is a Mondial Top Scan.

Ya we do have a great selection of flats, its the best part of our park. And the fact that we had a 30% rise in attendance last year says that many others like our park for that.

IJ is a great addition to our park and for the most park, people are enjoying it as well.

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Psclone is actually just about the same size as the Huss Giant Frisbee so its not small by no means.

Yes, I know it seats what 40 people. I just meant smaller then Delirium, but yes compared to most frisbees its large. It's a Huss Frisbee XL isn't it?

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official stats:

2002 - Mondial - Giant Pendulum - 40 seats and at full swing its 120ft...so i dont belive its that much smaller then Delerium...

Delerium is Huss Giant Frisbee 50 passangers and 137ft at full swing...

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