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Is that the wrong beacon for the Eiffel Tower?


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The Eiffel Tower is supposed to have a red beacon on the top so the lights midway up can light up at night. When the drop zone was completed they changed the beacon on the Eiffel Tower to complement the one on the Drop Zone? I do not like it to have a white one flashing after sun down. If you notice above the arcs above the obsevation deck and the elevator shaft where the summit is there are eight rectangular beacons that should be flashing. The one at the top should be red with a slow flash. Are you in favor in having the old beacon flashing or have both white beacons flashing simultaneoulsy? Should the needle be lengthend or shortened further? I am concerned about the eight red ones 165 feet up from the ground. Is anyone concerned about the lighting conditions of the Eiffel Tower?

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I'm not worried about the lighting on the Eiffel Tower. I figure when it comes to regulations and stuff like that, the park probably knows what it's doing. And honestly, I have to admit that obsession is taken to a new low when you're noticing different lights at the top of the towers!

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