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First Time Gold Pass Holder


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Thanks for the info. I'll watch PKI's site this spring. I'm really excited. I haven't went all this summer, as I kept putting it off all the time. Now I have no excuse and can just head down whenever I have the time. I live about 90 minutes away, so I think I'll be able to get there a couple times this fall and lots next summer. Thanks again.

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One question that I never really thought to get answered all year, regarding the Gold Pass lot:

Is that lot the same as the premium parking area next to the RV/bus lot? If it is, do we have to pay the $20 or whatever to get in it, or is it just $9? (Note, I was an idiot and didn't have quite enough money at the beginning of the season to purchase a parking pass. If this affects my situation at all, please let me know)

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No, the Gold Pass parking area is near the middle of the parking lot on the south side. If you have parking included with your Gold pass you won't need to pay anything. If not, you just pay the $9 and then you can still park in the Gold lot. I find that it is probably one of my favorite perks of having a gold pass. Especially on really busy days.

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Yeah, there were two official, pre-announced at the beginning of the year bring-a-friend free days. And then recently they had the Nick Parade special where passholders could bring a friend....

...and I feel like I'm forgetting one.

Also, thanks for the gold pass lot info. Wish I would've asked before the season ended biggrin.gif

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