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Paramount Parks/Publishing Revenues Up 12 percent

The Interpreter

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Paramount Parks and the publishing parts of CBS revenues were up 12 percent in the first quarter, yet got only a passing mention in the CBS press release, while other parts of the company were called things like "extremely valuable." Meanwhile, operating income was up 33 PERCENT in the parks/publishing (this shows the cost cuts are working for now---as operating income is up nearly a 1/3 over last year. It should also be noted that both this and the comparison period are for a quarter when the parks are actually closed and employment is normally very low anyway) Yet another sign the sale is nearly done:


And for those of you who claim there is nothing new here, you really need to spend a little bit more time studying things around you, if they interest you. If they don't, you can always leave this stuff to those of us it does interest...

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I'm sure Howard Stern enjoys the 6% drop in radio revenues...

How many of the parks were actually open prior to the 03/31 Q1 end date? (PKD and Carowinds, I believe...PGA too?) Either way, there weren't enough total operating days during Q1 for increases in revenue to account for the 33% increase in net income...meaning that cost cuts during the off season had to play a big role. At any rate, it's a good number for whatever interested parties that are currently doing due dilligence...

I bet calculating the pro formas are a big pain in the a** considering the split and all the rearranging of the business units biggrin.gif

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