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Cedar Fair is at least Interested in PKI


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In an article that appeared in the Toledo Blade there was some interesting news about Cedar Fairs interest in at least Kings Island.

After the meeting, Mr. Kinzel revealed Cedar Fair is considering buying Kings Island, an amusement park near Cincinnati that was put up for sale by its owner, CBS Corp. That park is one of five in CBS' Paramount Parks division.

Read the full article here. At least we now have confirmation that they have an interest in buying Kings Island, even with them owning the other two major Ohio amusement parks.

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I don`t know, Busch could also be a good fit for Kings Island. It will be interesting to see what happens. I certainly do not think that Cedar Fair would be buying all five Paramount Parks. They simply won`t have the funds to do so.

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I don`t know, Busch could also be a good fit for Kings Island. It will be interesting to see what happens. I certainly do not think that Cedar Fair would be buying all five Paramount Parks. They simply won`t have the funds to do so.

I suppose that CF buying Kings Island would kinda be an assurance that I would be admitted directly into heaven. Why? Because it means that I would have put my pennance in here on Earth. Lord! First to put up with Paramount all these years and then to be purchased by a park that was our main competition (at least when I worked at the park) and rivals.

It would be like the Reds being purchased by the Dodgers. <G>

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CedarFair does hire minors, but they are not relied on as much at CP as KI relies on them. The workforce at GL has a makeup that resembles KI's more so than what CPs does.

Would make good sense to monopolize the Ohio Market. Not to mention having a seasson pass would be spectaculare. 3 great parks in one state and not to mention the probable addition of a new ride every year or every other year. Also KI would become more or a resort like CP has.

Kinzel does an excelent job running CedaFair, not to mention he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

Cross your fingers folks.

CedarFair = Excelent Food Services, More Entertainment, and huge Thrill Rides.

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Well, first of all, if Cedar Fair bought Kings Island, it would not no longer be called Paramount`s Kings Island, the name would revert back to Kings Island. Secondly, Dick Kinzel is retiring after next year. So he won`t be in control of the company for much longer. Secondly, the one thing I am concerned about with Cedar Fair is I do not believe that PKI will see a new addition every single year like they have in the past. Also, hopefully Cedar Fair (if they do buy the park) keeps WinterFest and FearFest around.

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We went to Cedar Point today and I have to say... I think PKI could take some pointers from them. Mainly in the price of food. I think the food at Cedar Point is half the price of the food at PKI and their coasters or top notch. We rode TTD for the first time today and it was probably the best coaster I have ever been on. The rush that you get from it is AWESOME! I have never experienced anything like it before.

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They would probably keep Fearfest but not Winterfest. And they would probably add a few awesome new rides to at least bring the park back to decent, then probably do like the rest of their parks and get one ever few years.

And they could put in high thrill family rides - like Paramount will not ever put in. Something like Storm Runner or Kanonen could be like a family friendly version of what Dragster is. And they could put in something like Superman Ride of Steel which goes along with their Millennium Force type coaster, on a smaller scale...

The beautiful thing about Cedar Fair is that they are B&M and Intamin happy. biggrin.gif

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Yeah they could do all those things or they could update the food services, bring in more entertainment shows, and upkeep the theming of their rides better.

Adding new blockbuster rides is the SixFlags solution and we see how that ended up for them. Go visit SFMM for a miserable guest experience, but great rides if they are opperating. CedarFair would improve the guest experience at KI and then drop some new blockbuster thrill rides around the park. Look at what they have and are doing with GL. I would expect the same treatment to KI.

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Yeah they could do all those things or they could update the food services, bring in more entertainment shows, and upkeep the theming of their rides better.

Adding new blockbuster rides is the SixFlags solution and we see how that ended up for them. Go visit SFMM for a miserable guest experience, but great rides if they are opperating. CedarFair would improve the guest experience at KI and then drop some new blockbuster thrill rides around the park. Look at what they have and are doing with GL. I would expect the same treatment to KI.

They aren't going to drop the paramount theming when the new owner buys PKI, those are protected by paramount co. (i.e. nickelodeon universe). I read that in the Cincinnati Enquirer.

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Huh? They aren`t going to drop the Paramount theming because they are protected by the Paramount Co? Well for starters, Paramount is a division of Viacom International. Secondly, Nickelodeon is also a division of Viacom. CBS, the current owners of PKI and Paramount Parks used to be owned by Viacom, until it split into two companies earlier this year.

Secondly, whoever buys the parks will likely be given a license agreement (for a small fee of course) to buy the rights to the Paramount and Nickelodeon names. Whether the new owner opts to buy those rights will be up to the new owner, and if they think the price is worth it. I think it would be wise for the future owner to try and secure the rights to Nickelodeon. They could pass on Paramount and CBS rights, but Nickelodeon is big with kids right now, and that is currently PKI`s prime demographic: children and their families.

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One thing I hope does stay with the park, if Cedar Fair decides to buy KI, is the Nickelodeon licensing. I would be shocked if anything Paramount would remain though.

As a refresher, Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon are part of the Viacom corp, while CBS Corp. owns the Paramount Parks.

Now, the only bidder that is currently in the park business, that I see interested, is Cedar Fair. There is most likely another company, not currently in the amusement park business, that is more likely to keep things "status quo," including Paramount theming and the Paramount name.

My $0.02: If Cedar Fair becomes the new owner, it will be for the better of the park. More consistency, some bad, but mostly good, on the way. "Kings Island, a Cedar Fair, L.P. Park" may just get the B&M (or similar large steel of other manufacturer) that's been missing.

EDIT: Once again, CoastersRZ beats me (although parts of his post are different)!

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I think Cedar Fair has aquired the other 4 parks already and that their is a bidding war going on between Cedar Fair and Busch for Kings Island. If this is right, we shall see, I sure hope Busch wins. If Busch buys the park you will see: Better food, shopping, landscaping, theming, shows, some Clydesdales, a seperated gated waterpark, a great B&M and the ability to pay for your pass by the month. Please let Busch by the park. Cedar Fair is a good company but I am not for an amusement park monopoly in Ohio.

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Young adults from foreign countries come to spend the summer at CP. Why do you think they have all the housing. Get a lot of international college students who need a good job for the summer while college is on break, so they move into the CP dorms.
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I thought that it was just the rides department at Cedar Point that required employees to be 18 years of age or older. At one time, I believe the state of Ohio was considering making it law for all ride operators in the state to be 18 or older, instead of 16.

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As good as a park Cedar Point is, I'm still hoping, although it seems less likely now, that Anheuser-Busch buys the park. Because as everyone else has said, they landscape beautifully, they theme stuff nicely and keep their theming working, Better Food, They add B&M rollercoasters, and they keep the overall atmosphere of their parks great.

But if Cedar Fair does buy the park I hope that they take care of Kings Island like they do for Cedar Point and that they don't just buy it so they won't have to worry about competition. If they do everything like they do at Cedar Point to ings Island, then I guess it won't be bad.

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Well thats just bad business to buy a park and then let it go so you dont have to worry about competition. Make a huge investment and then let it go to crap, yep makes sense to me.

CF could liscence the Nick rights like they do with Peanuts, but I doubt any of the other movie themes would stay. But honestly KI could keep their current themes just change the names and a few signs and you would still have the same experience just a some what generic form. Like they did at GL, just less theming. Anyways besides NU very few attractions have a liscenced theme at KI

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