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Closing down/redoing son of beast?


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Yes it depends on where you sit. I sat in 1-1 on Thursday and knees were banging so bad during the ride on that bar. I have 2 brusies now. I will never ride in the front seat again. I will stick with the middle rows for now on.

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  PKIVortex said:
Now they need to do something about the trains. Taller people will bang their knees up pretty bad, on the grab bar in certain seats.

I rode SoB the other day, and my legs were very uncomfortable. I only 5'7" I had to bend my legs in a weird position to get the bar to come down too.

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  tubaman said:
  PKIVortex said:
Now they need to do something about the trains.  Taller people will bang their knees up pretty bad, on the grab bar in certain seats.

I rode SoB the other day, and my legs were very uncomfortable. I only 5'7" I had to bend my legs in a weird position to get the bar to come down too.

Yeah, the cars are waaaaaaaayyyy too small

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always felt that three seater cars worked best on Beast and Racer. The SOB trains are so heavy, that evern them being three seathers does not help. (The only smooth ride I ever had on it was just after they removed the water dummies). Has anyone ridden the Millinium Flyers on any of the GCI coasters with the single bench seat? I know the two seaters on Gwazi and Mean Streak really hurt .

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Wow...these Son of Beast threads get almost as annoying as the "Vortex is Closing" threads...everytime someone brings up SoB, we end up asking--is it too rough and we have to hear about the poor ol' tall people who can't sit comfortably in the trains.

Sigh. . .

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Well, if we never discuss what the problems are in the park, those who read this site expecting to find such information will instead assume all is just hunky-dorry. And when it comes to that thing, it isn't....in the opinion of far too many people. If you love it, Godspeed! Enjoy.

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What has been said about SOB all along is still true. If you sit in a middle row of any car, you will get a smooth ride. After my last ride back in June I wasn't sure I was ever going to ride SOB anymore. Well I gave it another shot on July 4th. Once in 4-2 and again in 5-2. I really enjoyed the ride when I didn't get bangged to death. You ever notice that normally the only people who have there hands up are sitting in the middle of the car? I'm not sure what Cedar Fair is going to do with SOB. Cedar Fair already torn down one wooden coaster, they could do it again. Only time will tell though.

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On the other hand, I don't think that they are going to tear down SOB on the advice of some coaster enthusiasts either. I doubt that they woule replace the trains either. Look at Millennium Force at CP as an example. After the accident on Superman:Ride of Steel, the policy on the seat belts were changed. The result was that many people who had rode it before can no longer do so. I've seen many people complain on message boards about the policy. Fast forward to today and I don't see Cedar Point ordering new trains for MF to accomodate those who cannot ride any more.

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It always seemed that Mean Streak was over supported, leaving the trains to bounce from one side to the other and washboard in the dips. I certain amount of "give" makes the ride more comfortable. I wonder if this is so, if KI woodies will be subsequently over supported to try to reduce maintenance costs.

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Yeah, I know the changes came from the ride manufacturer.

But, at about a million dollars per train, how likely do you think it would be that they would spend that kind of money? It would not be guaranteed that a new train would mean more ridership or necessarily a better ride.

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I hope they don't take down SOB it's a great coaster and one of my favorite wooden coasters in the USA. It's broken alot of records and has made PKI famous. It's a wooden coaster and most wooden coasters give a little rougher ride depending on where you sit in the car. My only complaint about the coaster is the lap restraint. I wish they would do something with the restraint because alot of people can't ride it. I rode it the weekend of the 4th of July and it ran great. I sat in the 2nd car and I didn't sit all the way back in the seat. I didn't hurt my back and I rode it about 15 times over the course of the weekend. It's a beautiful coaster and a great way to end the night. Please let SOB run again! sad.gifsad.gif

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