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SOB idea


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I've never really had a bad experience with SOB, I've ridden in the front middle and very back, and never thought it was too rough... I think in these modern times, that we've gotten away from what a wooden roller coaster is supposed to do. Everyone expects every ride they get on to be butter smooth and feel like floating on air, but a woodie is supposed to be rough and out of control, and all up in your face; just like SOB. In my opinion, SOB is the epitome of what a wooden coaster is supposed to do, but everyone just says what an awful ride it is... sad.gif

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I think it would be cool, (if possible) to replace all of the track with tubular steel track, get new trains and make a hybrid out of SOB. That way they could use maybe up to 90% of the frame work and not worry about the expense of demo or new material to replace it. (I would imagine it's not possible, but it could make for a smooth ride)

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I've never really had a bad experience with SOB, I've ridden in the front middle and very back, and never thought it was too rough... I think in these modern times, that we've gotten away from what a wooden roller coaster is supposed to do. Everyone expects every ride they get on to be butter smooth and feel like floating on air, but a woodie is supposed to be rough and out of control, and all up in your face; just like SOB. In my opinion, SOB is the epitome of what a wooden coaster is supposed to do, but everyone just says what an awful ride it is... sad.gif

Son of Beast isn't a horrible ride for all. But I have rode several times, and the jack hammering of the trains were so bad, that my knees had huge burises on them by the time the ride was over. If I ride in a middle row I can handle it without and brusies. I also think it depends on each person on how rough the ride will be on on them, like how tall, how much they weigh etc...

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KI currently has a mess on its hands with SOB. Honestly there seems to be a lot more issues with SOB than everyone realized, thanks to the designers and the subpar materials. Honestly wonder how much lumber will need to be replaced because of the thorough inspections taking place.

I love a good ride on Sonny, but it may be better to get some marshmallows and hot dogs and set the thing ablaze. Hopefully they would be able to collect the insurance and build something new over the Sons chared remains. Call it WasteLand or Ressurection.

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Reported by: A.P.

Web produced by: Neil Relyea

Photographed by: 9News

First posted: 8/5/2006 12:37:10 PM

CINCINNATI (AP) -- An independent engineer hired by the state will supervise tests of a roller coaster that malfunctioned last month and injured 27 riders.

Officials are still trying to figure out what went wrong on July Ninth on the Son of Beast ride at Paramount's Kings Island.

Most passengers were treated for bruises but one woman was hospitalized with a broken sternum.

The ride has remained closed, and investigators have narrowed the cause of the problem to either wood strength, maintenance or design.

No final determination has been made, and the independent engineer will supervise as the ride is taken apart and tested.

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I've never really had a bad experience with SOB, I've ridden in the front middle and very back, and never thought it was too rough...  I think in these modern times, that we've gotten away from what a wooden roller coaster is supposed to do.  Everyone expects every ride they get on to be butter smooth and feel like floating on air, but a woodie is supposed to be rough and out of control, and all up in your face; just like SOB.  In my opinion, SOB is the epitome of what a wooden coaster is supposed to do, but everyone just says what an awful ride it is... sad.gif

I don't think people have gotten away from thinking what a wooden coaster is supposed to do. I think what they're supposed to do is let you have fun. SOB, for a lot of people, just doesn't do that.

If you want to see the epitome of what a woodie is supposed to do, you ride the Legend at Holiday World. That's like a woodie designed by woodie enthusiasts. It has about everything a great woodie should have; great lateral G's, airtime, helixes, tunnels, head-choppers, and it's not silky smooth (but not hurt-you-rough either). It's about the most out of control-in your face woodie out there (and no, I haven't ridden the Voyage yet.)

SOB is what happens to a woodie that tries to be a large steel hyper coaster. It has virtually no airtime and the layout is just boring. There's no out of control feeling at all. In fact, it's a little too in-control for my taste. The roughness isn't due to trying to make it "old-school" or something. It's due to poor design, which is what has gotten it into the state it's in now.

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Excellent points, but every large, steel hypercoaster I've ever been on has airtime, usually lots of it. Perhaps Son of Beast was designed to not have any in an attempt to mimic its Dad, The Beast.

I certainly agree that the design itself makes the decision of whether to save this ride, how and how much to spend doing it even more frustrating. If Son of Beast were not painful, it would, in my humble opinion, be painfully boring. It is a most impressive LOOKING coaster, but riding it without pain would be, at least for me, a snore. Without major modifications changing the essential nature of the ride, I am not sure there is a whole lot of point to spending major money on Son of Beast. But then, you have this problem. Not fixing it also requires spending major money. Demolition will not be cheap, and not even in just monetary terms. One plus in this regard is that if a decision is made not to save it, the people who make that decision can rightfully say they had no part in deciding to build it.

A very large wooden coaster can be fun. (Like, say The Beast). And, it can have airtime AND be incredible. It could be, for instance, an Intamin plug n play, like Colossos, Balder or El Toro.

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Excellent points, but every large, steel hypercoaster I've ever been on has airtime, usually lots of it. Perhaps Son of Beast was designed to not have any in an attempt to mimic its Dad, The Beast.

I guess I should have said it's what happens when a woodie tries to be a large steel hypercoaster, and fails. Yeah, the lack of airtime and the fact that it's made of wood are about the only things that give it any resemblance to The Beast.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest kwindshawne
First? Who knows?

There were many. Most were called Flip-Flap. There was one in Louisville.

Many customers got broken necks from them, in the early 19oo's.

Here's a link to the one in Louisville:


Hmmm-didn't know that-and that tout SOB as being first looping coaster? Oops...

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Guest kwindshawne
I always dreaded the rose bowl. It beat the hell outta me.

That's the worst part IMO. Maybe if they knock that down and make it steel? The loop is the smoothest part of the whole thing..........

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Guest kwindshawne
I honestly started to avoid SOB starting last fall. I'm not a spring chicken (33), and I honestly felt like the couple times I have been in a car accident after I rode it. I really hate it for the park, because it was such a huge undertaking, and sucha great concept.

I've never liked its placement, either. To me, it almost seems like an afterthought. Like, its just kind of out on the outskirts, and has such a nondescript queue. Of course, The Beast is WAY out there, but I don't get the same feeling with it.

I really hope I'm in the minority, and they can get it up and running SAFELY asap.

SOB is painful to me-unless major changes are made, I won't go back

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Guest kwindshawne
Bragging rights for Sonny don't do alot of good if its popularity and reliability continue to drop. I think its reputation now is its roughness and not much else.

Very true. A coaster that big should be packed-every time I have ridden it is was practically a walk on-"there's your sign".

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I believe with the problems that have occured, something must be done. Maybe... just maybe a wooden roller coaster wasn't ment to go over 200 ft tall. I have never enjoyed a ride on it, yet i love rides that toss you around like beast, mean streak, and villin. My suggestion is to just scrap it, and build somethin else.

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