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what they should do for 2008.


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i think that Kings Island should change the names to the paramount movie rides [drop zone ,ect..]

and they should make the Firehawk and Flight of Fear area a new section.

like get a few small rides, restroom, shop, games, and maybe a small cafe.

that would be awesome.


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I really don't think they should change the names of the rides named after Paramount movies I actually like the names. Although making Flight of Fear and Firehawk its own zone would need one or two big attractions and then add in everything you listed like the restrooms, food shops, smaller rides, lockers, etc. But that's just my opinion. :P

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Well, I for one, would never be dissapointed with a new coaster in 2008, but I would rather have all of the current rides (SOB) up and running well.

I think that I would love a new dark ride or log flume ride (like the old one they took out).

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Well, I for one, would never be dissapointed with a new coaster in 2008, but I would rather have all of the current rides (SOB) up and running well.

I think that I would love a new dark ride or log flume ride (like the old one they took out).

I never thought about a new dark ride or log flume ride, but it would fit well into the park. B)

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I would love to see The Beast removed, and have a nice big parking lot put in its place. Parking can be so crazy at times, we need to expand, so tear out that piece of junk, and fill it up with parking!

:huh: Are you serious. You can't get rid of The Beast. It's an icon. There's plenty of other room to build parking. You must be joking YOU CAN'T GET RID OF The Beast. :angry:

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I would love to see The Beast removed, and have a nice big parking lot put in its place. Parking can be so crazy at times, we need to expand, so tear out that piece of junk, and fill it up with parking!

The Beast would never be removed it still holds a world record in case u forgot

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Nobody cares about records anymore. The more important issue is parking, as UncleHenry pointed out. I hope Cedar Fair decides to remove the Eiffel Tower next year and put in Demon Drop from CP. The Eiffel Tower is such an eyesore, and honestly, who cares about France? I say, let the Eiffel Tower surrender its spot to Demon Drop and the Kings Island skyline would look much better.

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Allright now you have crossed the line. :angry: You can't get rid of the Efeil Tower. Putting a ride right where the Tower is really ba d locationing plus the Tower really looks good there. People still love to go to the top and look over the beautiful park. It makes the park spectacular. In fact I'll make it a KI poll and see how many want to keep the Efeil Tower. Getting rid of the Efeil Tower that's rediculus. And as for making The Beast a parking lot in case you didn't notice The Beast is in the back of the park and the parking is in the front.

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:huh: yea whats wroug with you if you what to take the Effiel Tower and The Beast and i always go up the tower and ride The Beast every time i go to Kings Island and if you dont like The Beast or the Effiel Tower you arenot a real Kings Island fan :angry:
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Nobody cares about records anymore. The more important issue is parking, as UncleHenry pointed out. I hope Cedar Fair decides to remove the Eiffel Tower next year and put in Demon Drop from CP. The Eiffel Tower is such an eyesore, and honestly, who cares about France? I say, let the Eiffel Tower surrender its spot to Demon Drop and the Kings Island skyline would look much better.

YAY DemonDrop! :P

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I'd chain myself to it with a chainsaw, and start cutting that thing down myself. Beast has no real point in being at the park, no one really rides it anymore.

Everbody rides it. Duh. I can't believe you'd say that. The Beast is one of the best rides if not the best ride at Kings Island. It will always be an icon. And it WILL ALWAYS BE THERE!

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Just let me know when ya plan on doing that and we'll get a "chain" gang together and get rid of that sucker. haha B):D

While you do that I'll throw bacon all over your house and it will burst into flames. HA! :lol:

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How do you know it will always be there? Are you a Cedar Fair exec? Do you call the shots in the park?

Tear it out, its a POS.

Well I know this becasue I'm physcic and I just happen to be a Cedar Fair Executive. Bythe way your now banned from King's Island. Yes do call the shots. Now shine my shoes and give me 50 pushups. Now!

PS: The Beast is a ride nobody will ever mess with! B)

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I agree with you UncleHenry, the sooner they get rid of Beast and the tower the sooner we can have a parking lot coaster. O wait....we're not six flags...guess we just get a really big parking lot then.

I think you're both nuts. I can't believe you call yourself Kings Island fans if you want to get rid of the Etfiel Tower and The Beast for a stupid useless cheap hot ashalpt parking lot. You all aren't fans your idiots that want to tear down icons in a King's Island park. :( I'm disgraced!

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You guys have some good points but when we remove her why not do her some justice?

BON fIRE!!! i'll bring the weiners! we can have smores too!

You know what, lets take out Racer too, it really is old, noone rides it, its never full! We can put in another ride kindof like Italian Job because I love it! and we could put in another topspin just like Tomb Raider, because, I dont think we can have enough indoor themed topspins to movies!

as for the parking lot for beast, I love it! there are always problems with parking, so lets get rid of the problem and add more parking.

For the Eiffel Tower, the way it sticks up in the park...ugh, like a soar thumb I say! Demon Drop, woohooo! now that would even be better than the Eiffel Tower!

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i have to disagree with u all about The Beast and Eiffel Tower, im a season passholder to KI and i can tell u that The Beast has a hell of alot of people that still ride it, and that its probably most peoples favorite ride that I know...i wouldnt really cry if the Eiffel Tower was taken out, but its a symbol for Kings Island...and i dont think we could take it out

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I agree with Uncle Henry, they beast has gotta go! I mean, its just a wall of wood that takes up wonderful parking space. I mean, parking is what Kings Island needs! And with the Eiffel Tower, it definitely needs to go. I mean, last time i saw people up there was a long time ago.

So, in 2008, bye bye Beast and Eiffel Tower....and hello parking space! and demon drop!!!!

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