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What are you looking forward to most?

Cory Butcher

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I love just walking into the park and getting hit with that combination of chain grease, blacktop and LaRosa's pizza; and feeling the breeze coming out from International Street combined with the mist of the fountains. I love rushing from ride to ride, but there's nothing like taking a day just to stroll and relax at the park; watching the passers-by and enjoying the sights and sounds of the park. As far as the rides go, I can't wait to ride my first flying coaster and I can't wait to see how SOB rides this year. I really don't like that coaster, but if I can ride it without getting a headache or bruises on my knees then I'll be happy with it.

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I am looking forward to of course riding The Beast and also just being back in the park and enjoying all the world class thrill rides that Kings Island has to offer. One of my favorite parts is just getting there and then you finally see The Eiffel Tower and Drop Zone peeking through the trees and then all of a sudden you can see the full view of the park and it is simply breathtaking.

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I'll go ahead and add mine, seeing as how I'm on cloud nine just knowing the park is open. And they're kind of all over the board...

--Sticking my boyfriend on Sonny, even though he's loopless, just so he can see how rough it really is

--Being able to go whenever I want -- or something like that (my mom SHOULD be getting me a Maxx for my birthday, and if she doesn't, I will track her down)

--Going to Geauga Lake with my family (family event=I have to go) and praying that A: I can get a thrill or two there and I don't long for KI too much and B: my family doesn't fight the entire time

--Coney Mall, Coney Mall! You fill me with sweet sugary goodness!!! I look forward to riding Racer and Vortex and IJ and Firehawk when it finally opens!

--When (not if) my mom gets my season pass, sticking it in everybody's faces and rubbing it in cause I can go to parks now!

--The usual Cedar Point trip with the church people (though I need an extra one because we always go on the most packed day in the year) in which I will try to persuade them all to go to Kings Island and fail miserably

--The fountains and the Eiffel Tower. Something about that...ahhhh.

--I wanna also hear the new music they'll have over the intercom. Unless they have the same stuff, in which I will just soak it up like I do every year.

--The Scrambler. I don't know WHERE it was in October. :(

--Finally, collecting more park maps and putting them all over my dorm walls in August!

That was a bit off track (pun intended for my sake) and I'm not even on meds yet this morning...

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