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Everything posted by hfbldprince

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/179713_10151971825053368_915919417_n.jpg "Always make a “splash” when “dropping” by Action Zone!" OBVIOUSLY it's a dive coaster with a splashdown... /thread
  2. It's between Rockin' Rollerocaster and Son of Beast, both of which give/gave me headaches...
  3. You have this right except for "A loss of power causes them to engage automatically." Any block brakes (not trims, I'm not sure about those) are ALWAYS "engaged" by default, in other words their resting position is closed. It takes power to open the brakes to let the train through.
  4. Maybe the red shipping container contains new SOB trains for if it's getting the Texas Giant treatment?
  5. Dang, I didn't see anything being cleared by Firehawk, but I did see a golf cart go into that path back there, where that trail is for HH...
  6. Make sure to also bring a camera for us... haha
  7. The Dippin Dots guy told me to think big. He says Cedar Fair is miffed at Six Flags and wants the world records back for the tallest and fastest coaster, and that you can see land being cleared out back behind FH if you look hard enough. Can anyone bring binoculars to KI today and take a look?
  8. Why do Diamondback's supports do that? The yellow supports for the lift/first drop, then beige for the rest of the ride?
  9. Does anyone know the name of the FoF soundtrack? The one that plays in the bowl and the one that plays in the exit station? I tried searching for Outer Limits theme, FoF theme, with no luck. Thanks!
  10. What do you mean by maintenance taking note of them? Sorry I sound like such a noob but rollercoasters have been my passion for a while, and I have my ways of finding things out about the park. No, I'm not the Dippin' Dot's guy
  11. Yes. Terpy, famous for such replies [Welcome...consider yourself initiated...] 1. How do you know so much? You post all over here, with more than 25,000 posts! Did you used to work at KI or something? 2. Yes to the trims or the train being lighter?
  12. Ok, so it probably seemed fast because the train was lighter. Has anyone noticed the Diamondback trims?
  13. Is that only with wooden coasters? I rode FoF a few minutes after and it seemed REALLY fast! On both coasters, there were only like 2 other people on the train I rode in.
  14. I've noticed that, especially since last season, the trims are trimming a little bit more. Is the reason because that it's "broken in" and it has been letting the same speed through the whole time, but now that it's broken in, it goes faster? Or did they just turn them up? I rode Beast one morning, it was extremely slow and the brake shed is the real culprit, even though they all suck. Does anyone know also why FoF's MCBR stops you now? I remember when it was always deactivated a few years back.
  15. FoF at KD is smoother and quieter, from experience.
  16. There are now flags on them, each with random Snoopy stuff
  17. Something with "So you believe that you are studying us, then kindly explain why you are the ones trapped in your seats." "Please secure all loose articles. Loose articles are not permitted. You may hand them to the attendant. We are not responsible for them. Keep your head agaisnt the head rest facing forward through out your journey. Thank you." (^ I've heard those a bunch, but ultimately, Google helped me ) Also about the trains, one day I rode it, it launched and then it stopped and rolled back? They turned the lights on and pulled our train back. I looked carefully and I could see the old King Cobra trains, along with SOB's old trains! Also, at the exit station, it's funny to hear it say "Now we know what happens, when the human body is pushed to..." and cuts off. My 2 boys love this ride! I think they like DB better, but this is their 2nd fav!
  18. Yeah, but wouldn't it be an even bigger waste if they removed the ride? They spent all that money to plan and build it, might as well try to keep it up!
  19. I say do the prefab, but also add some/all steel supports. So basically change it to a steel coaster I like the layout of SOB, but just not the roughness. The layout is fine, if anything, make it longer and/or take out the trims, and MAYBE re-add the loop?
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