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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. They are the same again. They must not of been changed for long?? *EDIT* I did not see this page so sorry about the camera comment.
  2. As I have said Maybe they are retooling some things and will come back with vengeance!
  3. Well we have gotten way off topic lol Coney Mall. I wish we could get new pics of the progress.
  4. Yeah Intamins are literally my top 3 fav. Call me a fanboy ( cuz I am) lol Maybe Intamin has been quite in the US and has been working on somethings. I'd just like to see one in Ki to have the park a verity of coasters.
  5. Yeah that is why I'd love to see another and hoping its KI. People may think bad things about them but from what I know MF @ CP works just fine. Its also one of the most popular / best coasters in the world!! its my own opinion I just love their coasters. I want to ride the Hershey Intamins so bad! I need to get there!
  6. I am betting on 2019 or 2021 as well. My money is on CP getting the next big thing in 2020.
  7. This is just me hoping for an Intamin to be placed at KI lol
  8. Schmidt's is amazing. I'd love it if that was in KI. Being from Columbus it is a staple in the community!!
  9. What if they named it Gigacoaster hahaha
  10. I will say to have a good bratwurst and sauerkraut would be awesome while watching the new updated clock on the outside! Feels like i'd be right in Germany! Move Panda and also accommodate the line that it normally has.
  11. So I say KI/CF needs to spend roughly 35 Mill on a Giga Bigger better and faster then Fury.
  12. Plus they could open that area up between Dino and x-base. The things they can install is endless.
  13. Hey place Panda anywhere in the park and i'll be there. Haha I love it. Please don't ever remove it!! It doesn't however belong where it currently is.
  14. Wiki shows the cost of MT was $15 mill but I'd take that with a gain.
  15. Cincinnatti.com said the coast was $24 mill for MT but Wiki says $15 mill so who knows. **EDIT** $24 Mill was for Banshee.
  16. Anyway they would not place a giga near MT. They are going to the other side of the park with a ride like that. That would be odd to have the entrance of a giga by their Hyper. That being said I am just speculating as well. 2019 could be interesting.
  17. Yeah it's gotta be someone that works there. It's like they went back over it. Unless it has not snowed more or melted at all.
  18. I'd really like to go ride Alpengeist.
  19. Associate for sure. Unless it was someone on the forum lol
  20. I understand that they don't care about them but for their flagship park and its turning 150 years old. I could see them caring about that one of any. I could see them going 2018 SV and then taking 2 seasons off. 2020 could bring something. That being said I think CP gets something wild for 2020. KI will be the next giga in the chain. Fingers crossed for Intamin
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