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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. ^^ Yeah looks as if they are placing a break run support in place. Maybe they will start the break run now until Zeus is ready.
  2. That's pretty scary if you ask me lol I thinks its premier rides I wonder who had to fork out the cost of remaking supports? SF or PR? The 2020 coasters will probably be open for WCR. haha
  3. No we already went over this the other day. Clifford is all red not just the boom. This is not Clifford due to the actual cab of the crane being white. This is Zeus!
  4. Six Flags is mess. They be lucky if they do not have to file chapter 11 at some point.
  5. That is just embarrassing That was supposed to open for this season haha they are not even close from what I see. So I think the white crane holding the crane is no Cleo. That one seems to connected to a truck. Cleo is over by Zeus still.
  6. Station building has been started! Whohooo!
  7. I second that! Good morning and also am hoping we see some activity at the worksite!
  8. Well then calling all those who live close to the park. Can anyone get close enough without trespassing to see whats in the parking lot?
  9. Zeus will be alive here soon! I wonder why its taking so long to get the pieces here? You'd think they would all be here within a couple day of each other. Its not like they are in use if the crane is here.
  10. Not being bias here but only time will tell if Orion will best Mill Force. @Kodistict you are correct! Something red just showed up and was unloaded.
  11. Also reminds me of that picture from TTD looking at MF hill and they were the only 2 objects you could see above the clouds.
  12. I would love it is they connect the station to a building and then did something with the Phantom returning and having it be like Haunted Mansion at Disney.
  13. I am loving all these behind the scenes pictures.
  14. Haha yeah that was just a shadow lol welp I feel dumb.
  15. That is a great find!!! Already starting today on a good foot!
  16. Good morning all! I hope for an exciting day on the cam!
  17. That's right, Someone said Ronald was their Boss's name and didn't want him associated with Orion hahaha It is Zeus!
  18. Yeah I just wanted to get rid of that so no one got confused but looks like I just made it worse lol haha Zeus it is! lol
  19. Yeah Zeus will be the big guy crane now on the wood crane pad. We don't have Clifford here for Orion. Unless he comes later.
  20. I am thinking they are putting together all the sections they can so they only need to use Zeus a couple of days. I could see T-Bone and Cleo putting section together while Zeus puts them in place so they can work quickly. So Zeus isn't there more then a few days.
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