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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. That would be pretty cool man!
  2. I'd be ok with this. Depending on what that next coaster is.
  3. Has anyone been by CSF lately. I don't think we have had an update since I was there 2 weekends ago.
  4. Psht I don't always say "haha". Look back!!
  5. I agree as well. Some of us want a teaser just as much as the next. We have been doing this …..well let me say I have been doing this far too long and will know a teaser when I see it. This is no a teaser lol Its happy 40th birthday beast......come on!
  6. It will be like Christmas day ! haha
  7. Someone said it on this thread.....I believe.
  8. Lol ok I will replace the budget label with some Premier Rides flowers
  9. NOOOOO haha the Michael Jordan / Bulls Intro lol. this would be terrible station music! Here is my vote for some station music or even que line music.......don't judge until you listen! Or how about the beginning of this....would be amazing in the station. Also Ohio's own!!
  10. The 5 year plan man......its all about the 5 year plan. They knew this coaster was coming there for this is a teaser from KI!!!! haha
  11. darn trach can getting our hopes up lol j/k Way to early for vertical construction anyway haha.
  12. Would there really be a support that low? Is it really a support? its so blurry haha
  13. i305 isn't the longest coaster either and always ranks high. I wouldn't say length is everything. It just depends on the coaster it self. I won't judge until I ride.
  14. that is pretty funny man haha
  15. Link doesn't want to work =(
  16. You really think the giga will be the last install ever at KI?( Sarcastic tone) lol This thread doesn't mean 2021 but just in general what comes after 2020.
  17. Sorry for double post! I took my spin at a dive machine. I took out Invertigo and Congo Falls. Put the dive coaster in with 2 inversions only since KI is a budget park lol Added a vertical loop and cobra roll. I also added a SkyJump2 for a flat in front of a pond left over from Congo Falls. I give you Demonic ( coaster) and Iron Claw ( Flat)
  18. I Just want some sort of acknowledgment from the park there is something going on over in the old FH spot lol give me something KingsIslandPR lol
  19. This is why people have different opinions and I respect that. I am not sure we are getting worked up about it. I think we like seeing them that is all.
  20. I can get on board with that!! Keep that Vekoma shrubs away from me! I am allergic haha
  21. Do we still think we won't see track or supports on site until after announced? I am thinking CSF is going to run out of room here soon with Hershey and KI and SWSD?
  22. I think better teasing helps the GP and keeps them interested. Yeah WE know what's going on but I am guessing most of the GP has no clue. Also with SV yes WE knew what was going on but the GP has no clue what RMC is lol. The GP is what brings the parks money! I liked the teasing for Banshee. I am just saying I see it from both ways.
  23. I wish there was an emoji for vomit lol the " splash" yuck .
  24. I just thought it was odd this person made like 6 new threads asking questions and like 3 or 4 questions in some of the threads. I mean if its legit then so be it and we can teach how to search for old threads and what not. This person has not responded really though.
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