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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Well @RuthlessAirtime you gonna head back in? haha no pressure or anything lol
  2. Yes that was really it haha. KI needs to learn from other CF parks ( CP) about how to tease lol.
  3. I think I'd rather see the next set of blueprints then a teaser. haha I can't get to the park as much as some so I'd like the rest of the blueprints.
  4. Who normally goes in there? Has anyone on this page actually gone in or did they get it all off Reddit or something?
  5. Well tell us your thoughts on teasers?
  6. I think its just old and too rough for me anymore. Vekoma's just do not age well, at least older models.
  7. Time for removal if you ask me...….wishful thinking I know. haha
  8. I heard yesterday this was an issue at CP stopping coasters as they see phones out. I wish people would really stop doing this. Its gonna come down to not having any phones in line / on ride ( in pocket) and having to buy a locker that $100 for 4 hours haha
  9. Mother of god this sounds terrible. I wonder why they don't leave them open during the summer months. It makes no sense to close them if there is no A/C and if the smell will make you faint lol I try my very best to not #2 in any park restroom either @flightoffear1996 haha
  10. Teasers are an important part of a new attraction in my mind. Its gets people GP or not involved and wanting to see what's going on and what is going to happen. I think KI needs this coaster to do well in attendance numbers to keep CF adding to this park on a regular basis imo.
  11. I mean maybe? But the GP doesn't join pages like this. They hear it on the news then forget about it the next day. I mean some GP may become a future enthusiasts. Could just be me that thinks the GO would benefit from a teaser campaign.
  12. Yeah but not the GP. We as enthusiasts know haha I am sure the park wants to get the GP pumped up.
  13. Yeah I am not expecting anything today. I could see them starting maybe Thursday or Friday if not then I'd say early August with a late August announcement. It is odd we haven't had a single teaser yet....
  14. Let see some pics of the site today and any new updates!
  15. So today Kings Dominion announced Big Wave Bay will be leaving. What do we think they will get in place for 2020?
  16. Too busy of a day for my blood haha.
  17. Cheetah Hunt @ Busch Gardens Tampa as well!
  18. Has anyone gotten any pictures of the site lately? I would like to see progress on a daily basis people! keep the pics coming haha
  19. Yaaayyy! So excited to see this coaster rise from the ground up!
  20. So people like us don't gain access all at once.
  21. You have my stamp of approval!!! I wish to have this dream!
  22. 4th pic down you a can see the very top ( start of drop) of the Hershey coaster! haha
  23. So here are some of the pics I took while down at CSF. like I said nothing really new at all. Sorry for double post.
  24. I normally wake up....pee.... wash hands....eat...shower...brush teeth....get dressed....leave for work....then get on my computer and check when I missed out on. I sometimes use Tapatalk while at home if I am in a heated debate because I said the word Intamin haha
  25. I wouldn't mind a midway behind AE connecting AZ to X-Base. They could put a nice size coaster in the SoB lot and not have to worry so much about foot traffic in AZ. Then they can leave The terrible Vekoma alone until it reaches its life.
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